Spacial Reality: Secrets of the Universe

“Talk to me, hanzo. What’s going on?” Marka asks.

“We’ve got incoming, I have visual!”

They look like giant bugs, with red circular eyes and eleven counted legs, they shot a green substance which Hanzos ship confirmed to be Acid of all things.

“Blast em!”

Marka opens S-foils into attack position and attacks.

OOC: You’ve got control of Marka, as does everyone else, just follow his rules. Night all!

Bailey felt something in his pocket “oh? What’s this?” He pulls out a picture. It appeared to be a man who resembled Bailey, and terin. “Is that…is that my dad? Who’s that person with him? Wait that one guy that left with Hanzo…he looks like him a bit? What the heck is going on?”

OOC: I did.

IC: Eric flies around on Hammy, with Blasty trailing behind.

He senses a presence. “I remember them. Terin and Bailey the Second if I recall correctly.”

“Who are you!?” He yells before turning around

A man in a black coat similar to the one Terin had is in the shadows. His hood’s shadows perfectly concealing his face. “My name is Zablex, I have been tasked by Terin to watch over his friend’s bloodline.” He says. His voice monotone but was showing he knows Bailey.

“Uhm…hello, zablex” He offers a handshake “Im bailey”

multiple tendrils restrain him.

“I know.” He says. He shakes Bailey’s hand.

The tendrils phase through him, like he wasn’t even there at all.

OOC: Let us have this touching moment! And he’s more of a guardian angel type guy, only gonna get involved when absolutely necessary.

“How though?” Bailey seems weirded out, but odly calmed by his presence

“I’ve been tasked by Terin to watch his friend’s bloodline-you are that bloodline.” He says to Bailey.

they swing at him.

Still they pass through him.

OOC: Party pooper.

“So your like a guardian angel of sorts? Whos terin? How long have you been watching over me?”

“get out of me!” he heard over the intercom.

“Yes to your first question. Terin is the man in the black coat in the photo and your whole life.” He says. The memory of a gang following him when he was a kid surfaces. He got cornered in an alley but the gang was suddenly gone, the sound of ghostly wolf howls in the air.

Bailey seems to smile warmly “Well then, thank you”

John glanced around rapidly trying to find the source of the noise.