Spacial Reality: Secrets of the Universe

Integra wakes up and dresses into her space suit (a more lightweight version of her armor) and smiles wonder how the kids are

Ooc- you said they had kids right? @LTVmocs

OOC Eh. I don’t remember.
IC Lizzy sleeps.

Ooc- k to be frank i usually dont remember a lot of things

Ic- Integra makes breakfast because she was hungry, didnt matter if it was three in the morning or six in the afternoon she was having her bacon and eggs (/s?), when she finishes she makes two plates and gently tries to wake lizzy up

Lizzy sleeps and rolls over

Integra decides to save her plate and sits next to lizzy while she eats

Ooc- I may go to bed soon

OOC Go to sleep. I’m reading Manga so eh

Ooc- k, one more post

ic- integra finishes eating and lays back down “i love you” she falls asleep


ic- bailey tests out his crossbow

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Marka walks up to (@Sachi) “Hello, who might you be?” He asks.

“I’m Shappire. The newbie here. And you are?”

“Marka Sadow, Red Sith.” He says, removing his helmet to show his face, he senses this Sapphire is trustworthy. “Forgive my asking but, you are an elf, correct?” He asks, noticing the ears and her unique presence in The Force.

Eric naps on the floor, having pulled a sleeping bag and pillow from the pocket dimension cargo bay of Hammy. Hammy and Blasty play chess nearby.

“Yea.” She nods and laughs. “Is it really that strange that an Elf is here? Not that I’m complaining or anything.”

“Not really, just a bit odd, in a good way. Most, to my knowledge here, are human.”

“Well, this is my first time encountering an Elf.” Marka says.

OOC: GTG, mowing and other chores.

“Ah ok. Humans I have in countered before same with robots. For a Sith- I’ve heard about but like you said, never encountered one before.”

Baileys eyes widen in shock “Oh god i just realized something”


“Im my own grandpa…”

“Like your kids had kids or something…?”

“No…my grandpa used the rest of his soul while he was about to die to make my dad. It was like reincarnation wwith magic…or something like that i dont friggin know. But my dad had kids the regular way so wouldnt that make me my own grandpa though?”