Hello everyone,this little post is designed to talk of the Nero,one of the species in my universe. Note that i do not AT ALL go by the original G1 or G2 storylines, this is my own story line,and the species i speak of are of my creation. Lets begin with how a nero is created. The nero are not actually born,but are the created when souls are stripped of emotions and certain memories,basically ripping the souls identity away. After that,a body is given to them,along with there powers, no two nero have the same signature powers. Another thing about the Nero is that they are known for there long limbs and disfigured forms at times. Some specific Nero to note would include Azukani, Diroxus, Zopha, and Argios.
if there is anything else you guys want to know about my species, or even how they fit into my story, yall may ask in the comments,and i will reply to the best of my abilities.