Speedy, the Wheeled Slizer

Wheel spur

Speedy, the Weeled Slizer. Hailing from the same region of the planet as Turbo, he is a self proclaimed vigilante that fight thugs on the streets with his trusty six shooter. He is known to be fast on the roads, able to peruse vehicle based slizers with ease. He has a vendetta against Turbo, after discovering that Turbo harboured a human. Speedy is now in pursuit of the both of them.

This is another one of my Slizer Mocs. This time I wanted to try something different while in-keeping with a hypothetical low part budget.

The idea behind this moc came from a lime fin piece I found in my collection. This prompted me to think of a fast Slizer with fins on its back like the age gundam. Then, to go with the idea of a speedy guy, I wanted to add wheels to his feet. I found that the normal slizer limbs didn’t work well with the wheels so I made some custom limbs. Again I did this with a low pice count and Slizer pieces to make it feel fit in with the official sets. I used Jet’s torso to hold up the fins (and so it could fold up the moc) and I found the lime green pistol on bricklink which fit so well with the moc. I added some spurs to his wheel feet so he could stand (mainly so I could take pictures). Also due to his many ball joints I can put him in some pretty cool poses.

I like to think that Speedy has unique design while still possibly looking like an official set. tell me what you think!


The design and silhouette are great, but the tiny lime gun has to be the least threatening weapon in all of Slizers


So says a man who’s clearly never been shot by a stream of tiny limes