Spider-Man mech

I decided to upgrade my previous Spider-Man mech suit revamp to better scale with my as of yet incomplete venom “mech”. My original idea was to make lepaordon or Sp//deer but I didn’t have the peices so I ended up with a very exo force looking thing instead.

With said venom revamp


Looks good, if not a little messy.
The color scheme is a little scattered.


Yeah. I might still try the actual spider mechs but I didn’t have the peices.

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Tony, stop giving the kid weapons of mass destruction


Energon Omega Supreme as a Spiderman mech.


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What an upgrade

I like it! The larger size I think improves this a lot from the set, as well as the actual cockpit!

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I need this, send the instructions and tell me what sets should I buy

This is a really beautiful mech. I had no idea that mechs could be in this shape.

I like this more than most official Spiderman mechs we get from Lego. This one reminds me of Exo-Force a bit, with the pointed feet, cockpit instead of a head, and the little flairs on the armor.

I like the color blocking!