spooky mode
not spooky mode
This is… Interesting?
it’s a joke MOC
It seems like mostly a Protector with a spoopy mask. I like it though.
Joke topics are not allowed.
my real self moc is a toa of Steam
Should we bring in the Mods? Probably not.
What about super duper Harold i think his name is
I’m spookt solid
he’s very spooky
When not in use, his secondary mask shrinks in size and stores behind his thigh armor.
Now that’s spoopy
very very spooky
he is secretly metus
This MOC makes me feel…
I feel fantastic…
Hot Air, seems fitting.
I am spooked dead…
So is he!
Beware, the Ghost Spooker.
Hmm… not sure whether to laugh, or to actually enjoy the scenery…
Honestly I actually don’t mind the build too much, if a bit simple.
most of my matoran builds are different
and a bit complex