Spooky Scary MOCs [Contest]

Am I allowed to:

  1. Use a few, non-LEGO-related stickers, which have been covered in black Sharpie, to hide color scheme breakers like blue pins?
  2. Use a non-LEGO rubber band to suspend a piece?


[quote=“SpookMeister, post:1, topic:14091”]
1st place winner gets a drawing of their entry and a drawing of their OC by me.
[/quote] What OC are you talking about? The winner’s avatar? His/her self-moc? A second drawing of his/her entry?

Hm… I’m going to say no on that. Any blue or red pins will not be accounted for when judging.

Again, no. Even if you do use rubber bands, you’ll be marked down for the build since you had to use a rubber band to hold armor. If you are planning to use a rubber band for a function, then you’re more than welcome to use that. Otherwise, you will be marked down for the former.

A drawing of their entry and a drawing of their self moc. Send me a picture of it if you do win.

Okay, thanks. :grinning:

I just created a MOC called “the monster” for another Halloween MOC contest. However, it’s not like a pumpkin or anything, rather just a scary monster. Would this work?

Yeah, that works. As long as it actually is supposed to be based off of something Halloweenish, it’s fine.

Cool! Here it is then:


What I was going to enter is kind of edgy in that regard… I built him as a tie-in to the summer wave(story wise), so he shares some aesthetics(trans orange highlights, skeletal look,6-shooter built into weapon), but his bone color is white and his only other major color is black.

So… Can I still enter?

Seems like a kind of stupid rule, IMO.

Understandable, but still, I want a contest with jack-o-lanterns, zombies, skeletons and more instead of everything being bionicle summer 2015.

I mean sure, I guess.


I see what you’re getting at, but the theme of summer 2015 is

It just seems like a massively missed opportunity to rule those out… Especially, when people can actually work their creations into canon given that those creatures now exist in the actual story.

And I’m not saying that a neon, silver skeleton will make it too far in a contest that’s supposed to be for scary things, but I think perhaps it should be up to the person who makes the entry to decide for themself.

But that’s just my opinion; it is ultimately up to you.

Again, understandable, but still. Having just a bunch of summer 2015 villians for results rather than maybe interesting or creative Halloween-festive-esque mocs doesn’t sit well in my head. I hope to see your entry.

Alright, well here it is.


Hope you like it. :smile:

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So here’s the official video for my entry, the Monster:

Here is my entry in the contest: Furcifer: Ghost of Scoundrels.

Well it is 4 more days till "Judge"ment Day! Yuck Yuck Yuck

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We have… I think 4 entries? I dunno.
I might change the deadline.

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Is this good?


Headless centaur…
much yes

I can’t help myself when I see a pun.

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Hey guys one more day aight

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My entry.

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