i love em
So there’s a… lot of characters here.
The thing with fighting game characters not based off existing IPs is the player has to be able to tell from a glance just what a character’s going to play like. And unfortunately, while a lot of these character designs are visually dynamic and personalized, not many of them speak their fighting style all that well.
Going with the best ones first, while Beat Box’s design is unrefined and a little conflicting, his general aesthetic lends itself handily to a reversal playstyle, prioritizing counteroffensives as his main approach to combat.
Buff is a character who could be a number of things, but his missing foot seems to limit what roles he could fulfill. Obviously his name and stature imply a grappler/rushdown playstyle, but the copious amount of ammunition and the two gun barrels in his body make him feel like a zoner - a character heavily reliant on projectiles and timing to keep opponents at bay.
And the clearest design of the bunch is bearserker, who lives and breathes grappler, with long, gangly limbs and massive hands coupled with an appearance that all but speaks sudden bursts of speed. the colors are very dynamic, too, and work well to balance out the character’s personality.
…Unfortunately, most of the rest don’t tell me enough about themselves to tell me what they do or even what they’re all about. Some are meant to fill a visual niche, like furbstyle being smaller but clearly strong, but the addition of a seemingly vestigial third limb which doesn’t seem to serve any purpose outside of lore is confusing to me. The worst offenders are Punk Duck, Candyman, Alpha Blocks and Spy Gear, which have personality in the designs without any indication of what it is they do.
However, my favorite design is also one that I’m not sure what it does, but really like it anyway: Apple Drive. The worm hair and the head being a core is a combination that feels extremely dynamic, and the massive shoulders along with the split abdomen gives the character a very final boss feel. Really a fan of this design, even if I don’t know exactly what it is he does.
I love the references to different brands here, with the Nokia robot looking like something straight out of the robot fights in Big Hero 6. The Five Nights at Freddy’s-inspired character also is perfect, looking like someone who would definitely be important in any story for all of this.
This is delicious
man each one of these has so much character put into them, great job!
Hey! I decided to make an image to show people how the characters will feel like by showing them examples, I loved reading this comment btw! I will not copy these character’s every move or the game’s mechanics but this
basically shows you the character’s playstyle. Beatbox might confuse you but basically his mechanic is that he can hit harder on a beat. Basically playing a combination of a rhythm and fighting game at the same time kinda like Hi-fi rush so I put it there.
Teeth grinder looks like a Chima moc.
never realized that! Now that I take a logner look at it, it actually looks like the CBS alligator head
huh so it does