Here’s a topic to discuss the newly-announced Star Wars Animated series, Star Wars Resistance, an “anime-inspired” series following a grip of ace pilots from the Resistance, led by Kazuda Xiono, who have been tasked with a top-secret surveillance mission to investigate the growing threat of the First Order. It will premiere this Fall on the Disney Channel, followed by Disney XD at a later date.
Confirmed cast members include Oscar Isaac and Gwendoline Christie (reprising their roles as Poe Dameron and Captain Phasma), as well as Christopher Sean, Suzie McGrath, Scott Lawrence, Myrna Velasco, Josh Brener, Donald Faison, Bobby Moynihan, Jim Rash, and Rachel Butera.
EDIT: Here’s a link to one of the announcement articles, for anyone interested
It does, a little bit. It resembles a traditional X-Wing almost exactly, except for the wider nose, which looks like it has something attached to it. Its also got a very untraditional color scheme. Maybe we’ll get a bunch of multicolored, customized X-Wings in this show?
Ok, I am really mad about this, I AM SICK AND TIRED OF STAR WARS ONLY HAVING REBELS AS THE PROTAGONISTS! Last series was Star Wars Rebels, now its Star Wars Resistance, it just gets boring after a while. The last three movies have been focusing in on this as well. I wish that they would explore more BBY stuff, or even old republic. I know most people do not like the prequels, but look at The Clone Wars TV show! That did great and it was set in the republic time period! They could even have a show about a group of relatable Imperils and have them be the protagonists. So in conclusion of this little rant, I want Disney to stop snubbing the prequel era and actually start producing content that doesn’t focus on a rag-tag team of rebels shooting storm troopers.
Hopefully this will give us a better feel for the post-empire universe so that we can have some characters fleshed out more than they were in the films.
I think that Disney Execs want to have the Underdog as the protagonists, because it’s relatable to movie-going audiences. It makes the victory of the main characters that much sweeter. Also, it worked well in the original trilogy, so why can’t it work here?
Alright, now for actual opinion.
I agree with you. Despite its flaws, the prequel trilogy is my favorite to build MOC’s or a head canon for, as it’s so open to possibilities and world building. I think that having a show taking place directly before the discovery of Anakin Skywalker would be great.
I understand that, but you could still have an underdog story set in the Prequel era. You could even have an underdog story with the Empire! Imagine this: a group of imperials are stranded out in rebel controlled pace and are trying to get back to Corasont, but they are being followed by a Saw-Gerrrara type villain. And, it could also be that a crew member in the Imperial group is actually a rebel spy. This could make for a very interesting story, but nope. It always comes back to a small band or Rebels shooting up stormtroopers or TIE-fighters.
Filoni is in charge, so I have faith in this show. Excited to see Poe and Phasma get some more depth to them, and hopefully this new cast of characters will become just as beloved as some of the other animated Star Wars characters (Ahsoka, Rex, Kanan, etc). I’m actually kinda surprised it’s premier as early as this fall, but, they’ve probably been working on this for a little over a year already, so they could be finalizing the Season 1 finale right now for all we know. I’ll eagerly await the first trailers.
A thing to keep in mind is that they’re about a year ahead of us production wise. By the time Rebels was wrapping up in March, I bet they had rough animation at the very least done on the first two or three episodes of Resistance. There were tweets from Filoni earlier in the year talking about the scoring sessions for the finale, but that’s something that can be done at pretty much the last minute in terms of production, and what I’m guessing WAS the last thing done to finish those episodes. If the talk of Resistance premiering in October is true, I’m not surprised. We basically saw the same turnaround on the final episodes of Clone Wars to the premier of Rebels in 2013, although the state of production of those final 13 episodes can easily be disputed.
Overall, I think this looks like fun! The animation is unique and colorful, and it seems like there will be a variety of locations and characters of multiple species, which is always a plus! Not much in the way of plot, but it’s just a teaser, so I expect we’ll get more details (and probably a full-length trailer) in the weeks to come.
And, of course, people are already complaining about it…I seem to recall hearing the phrases “too childish” and “bad for Star Wars” before, though I can’t quite remember where…probably one of the other highly-successful and critically-applauded TV shows Dave Filoni has created.
I think it looks fine, but the like to dislike ratio is terrifying. The fans appear to be treating it as the spiritual successor to The Last Jedi (We all know how they feel about that). It’s this type of stuff that makes me worried for Star Wars. I’m scared that people will lash out at anything Disney puts out, and the brand will die. Anyway, the main complaints I’ve heard are that the plot looks garbage, to which I say it’s a trailer, and that the art style looks bad. Personally I think the art looks kinda neat, better than Rebels.