Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker Topic

I’m pretty sure the sequels still count. I thought anything that wasn’t on film was thrown out, but any movies and TV shows after a certain point were kept.

To be fair, it this point it seems almost like the fans want Episode 9 to fail…

Agreed. I’m hopeful, they got J. J. back

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Yeah, but J.J is good at starting stories, not ending them.

25 posts were merged into an existing topic: Star Wars: The Last Jedi

And from whom I personally have talked to, it’s the opposite, yet online, I see a lot more vocalized hatred. It’s far too controversial a movie to make assumptions about, in my opinion.

Please, Star Wars, please don’t let Rise of Skywalker be like this.


Moved the Rian Johnson talk to The Last Jedi topic. -Prentice1215


about that “Dark Rey” thing, something i remember seeing(/or reading) when the Force Awakens was still recent on people’s mind, was that some people speculated that Rey wasn’t using the light side of the force, but instead the dark side given how agressive she was in her fight against Kylo.

of course that’s not true now-a-days after TLS, but this was in the time when people started to wonder if the Sequel trilogy’s story was gonna do something different than the “good light vs evil dark” story of the OT.

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At this point, I have no real hope for this movie.
TFA was an exceptional beginning, and even tho yes, it was more or less just a NH rehash, I still liked it, and I still do and I would always watch it.
Wheter TLJ was good or bad, it’s up to you, but I personally am on the side of the majority and have to say that I really dislike it, being my absolute least favourite SW movie there is. After such a mess I lost all of my hope in this saga. They are bringing Palpatine just so that they can have a reason to make a third movie, and all of the leaked endings I’ve seen are messy, bad, unwanted, rushed, garbage.
It will be a miracle if I will like it. At this point I just want a movie that would end this thing nicely, so that we can move to better things, things we actually care about.

Same. Star Wars is turning out like the Bayformers movies; solid start but just keeps declining. I just can’t wait for this movie to bomb while Disney desperately blames us and tries to make it look like it didn’t bomb.

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I mean, I knew that the TF movies were bad, but man were they fun to watch.

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Correction; mostly fun. Ignore 4 and 5

I especially enjoyed watching 4 and 5.

So you enjoyed Transformers 4: Age of Extinction more than The Last Jedi?

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Hm… Never thought at it…
Yes actually. It was a dumb, mindless Michael Bay movie, but it was captivating as hell.

Ant then the last knight made a 3 head dragon combiner boring.

That’s right, but it was still cool to watch.

Not really: devestator was a combiner; the knights just boringly melted into eachother.

We can continue the debate/discussion in private. This is getting OOC.

I’ve got a bad feeling about this.