Awe sweet. I liked Antony Daliels.
I’m sorry, the title is The Rise Of Skywalker and I went mad with hype
Personally, I don’t like this trailer, mainly because of the title. I mean… what in this movie could be so Skywalker-related that it affects the title itself?
Ok, so I have mixed feelings on this. As @Toa_Vladin has pointed out, the title seems kinda… I don’t know… not fitting, I would say. Luke Died in TLJ, so I don’t see either what so important role Skywalker could have that the whole movie is named after him.
But the trailer itself looked pretty good, and… was that Lando in the Millennium Falcon shot? Pls pls make it bee him… I miss him so much. Other than that I don’t know what else to say.
Yes, he was Lando.
And my fear of Disney rewriting Star Wars history is back.
I am suddenly more hyped that I thought I will be…
i have hope
jj did good
jj will do good again
Alotugh most of the hate goes to Ryan Johnson, it also goes to some extent to J.J Abrems too… So most fans are not happy with either of those two directors.
rian deserves it imo
jj nah because tfa was cool and good
Let’s remember that Skywalker is a family name and doesn’t necessarily equate solely to Luke. Kylo Ren is a Skywalker by default since he’s of the bloodline thanks to his mother, so if they go the redemption rout for him, he could change his name from Ben Solo to Kylo Ren to just Skywalker.
Alternatively, if Rey is the Skywalker, then it opens up avenues for exploring the further Skywalker lineage. Did Shmi have siblings? If so, then descendants of Anakin’s cousin’s could have made their way to Jakku, been nobodies, but have given birth to Rey. Everyone wins, nobody parents, but still part of the overall lineage of the Skywalker name.
Another theory is that since Rey seems to be heading up her own Jedi Order, she might ditch that name and light side Force users become Skywalkers as a title to pay homage to Luke.
You know what would be cool? Vader’s Force Ghost.
Considering how Kylo Ren seems to have his Helmet Rebuilt, giving us the though that he wants to become Vader Again, si a Vader Force Ghost could potentially happen.
Also that sinister Laugh at the end of the trailer… like Palpatine?! I was very confused there… But all we can do is just speculate.
Um. That title…
Clearly the title should be Revenge of the Senate.
Personally, I didn’t expect to be crazy hyped for this, but gosh dangit if that backflip over the interceptor didn’t get my blood pumping.
Wasn’t it a tie interceptor
Oh yeah my bad
I find the placement of the palpatine laugh directly after the no one’s ever truly gone quote interesting
That was Palpatine?