Star Wars: Stranded on Zoma V - Sign Ups (OPEN)/OOC Chat

Quips sniper rifle was fairly heavily modified. Also there’s nothing in either the current canon or old legends material to indicate the model of rifle he uses even came equipped with an ascension cable.

the captain is about to blow a fuse

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so my dude’s walkin right now
how long’s it gonna be taking him to do that?


Probably not too long, just one update post I’d say.

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Yes. Clarification below.

Clone Wars Movie (2008) - YouTube

The standard Clone Trooper kit comes with a grappling hook. It’s debatable if they all carry an ascension cable attachment (or if the grappling hook is the same thing) as part of their standard kit. However, we do see it often enough in Star Wars: The Clone Wars that it seems to be standard. As for the blasters themselves…

DC-15A blaster rifle – There is a conflict of info if it’s always attached to or stored in this weapon. It does need to be attached to the front, however.

DC-15A blaster carbine – Like it’s longer bro, unclear if it’s always stored on the blaster. “The blaster could also fire a grappling cable which was attached to the butt of the folded stock, requiring the stock to be folded when using the cable.”–Our friend Wookieepedia.

DC-15x sniper rifle – It’s a barely modified DC-15A. It might not have the cable projector stored on the rifle to reduce weight, but I doubt it.

DC-17 hand blaster – Does not have it natively and requires an attachment for it to work. The particular attachment for the hand blaster might not be as common. I’d have to rewatch the Clone Wars to confirm how often it was used with the hand blaster, but it’s possible the same attachment works for it as well.

All else fails, you can scavenge one for any of your guns.


who this do be addressed at

it is addressed at me


So to clarify, is this what happened with the commander:

  • found with Quips, Boomstick and Bravebird
  • everyone given orders to go to the front of the ship
  • the commander says no, and wants to go find the general
  • Wannabe is like “you two go I’ll stay with the commander”
  • Boomstick and Bravebird are like “sounds good” and Quips ignores Wannabe and leads the way to the other bridge?

I think Bravebird and Quips ignore Wannabe and follow Tesz to the bridge, only Boomstick heads to the front.


As @TheMOCingbird said, Bravebird is following Tesz as well.


I realised I might need to clarify that I’ve been treating this gear as on Legacy’s belt rig, as well as the standard spare ammo cartridges and last-ditch detonator



Oooo, Vulture droids.


Or, it could be Hyena Bombers, which would be substantially worse.


or it could just be some flying Hs


My power is out, so don’t know how active I’ll be able to be today (and maybe tomorrow). Sorry bout that.

EDIT: Good news, power’s back. Let’s hope it stays that way.


Good thing power is back, was it because of a storm or snow?

Im letting you guys know I added this so you know what Im talking about when my character calls others by these names

Edit: I love this one


A thought occurred to me, if Rook found a vibrobrade, does that mean somewhere in the wreckage there’s an unarmed commando droid? And if so, how many of them are with us?

Yeah, this is kinda a lame answer, but I just figured somewhere on the ship there was a collection of some CIS tech for research or something, and Rook just happened to find the blade. As cool as it would be to have commando droids sneaking on the ship, I feel like there isn’t a plausible way they could have sneaked on.


Maybe the ship had some battle droids they were hoping to reprogram and use to infiltrate the Confederate base but one or more of them escaped when the ship was shot down.

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