In this RP you will all be playing as various clone survivors of Midnight Company, a newly formed team tasked with a dangerous mission in a dangerous jungle.
STRANDED! The Clone Wars rage on, and Jedi Master Viego Norr and his padawan Tesz Nel’Sha set out on a mission in the outer rim to scout and destroy a key Separatist comms station on the remote jungle planet of Zoma V. On the Venator class star destroyer, the Harbinger, the newly formed Clone Midnight Company, sets out alongside their new Jedi general and his apprentice. Disaster strikes when an unexpected barrage of anti-air turbolaser fire sent the flagship barreling toward down toward the surface. From the wreckage will rise a lucky few, with an insurmountable task ahead. With no way home, and equipped with only their wits and and what they can scavenge, the survivors of the crash must fight their way through dense jungle toward the Separatist outpost in order to complete their mission, and call for rescue!
So, I’ve been wanting to run this RP for a while now, so I finally decided to dive in. This is my first time GMing here, so you might need to bare with me a little while I figure out the ropes . I don’t have a hard limit as to how many people can sign up, but if it starts getting crowded I may cap it off. And try to stick with one character per person. I’m planning on this lil’ adventure being fairly short and fairly linear, so don’t go in to this expecting a sprawling, galaxy wide, open world adventure. Picture it more as a tropey, four episode Clone Wars arch, cause that was definitely the vibe I was going for. One more note, while I’ll try to keep to SW cannon to an extent, I’m not going to bother getting hung up on every little detail, especially if it gets in the way of a fun time. So without further ado, let’s get the rules out of the way (but read carefully, they’re kinda important).
#1 You’ll be playing as a standard clone. Not an arc-trooper, or a clone commando, or Jek-14’s cousin. Just a regular, fairly low ranking clone, a brother in arms. Be fun and creative with making your character, but don’t go over board and end up overshadowing others in an attempt to steal the spotlight with your unaltered, force sensitive, super clone personally trained by Jango Fett.
#2 You don’t have infinite supplies, and that includes ammo. I won’t be keeping track of every shot or anything, just keep in mind that conserving ammo is important in a situation like this, and there may come a time when you run out if you aren’t careful. Plus, being creative in solutions to problems never hurt anybody (much).
#3 Your character is mortal. They can die, and while I won’t be trying to eliminate players maliciously, if you don’t play smartly or carefully, the squad may get thinner.
#4 No auto-hitting, meta-gaming, bunnying, etc. If you have questions as to what these are, either PM me, or consult the texts of the all knowing Ghid: We Can’t Expect Godmodding To Do All The Work
#5 I’m the GM, I have the final word. If you have a problem with something you think I’m doing poorly, an idea you want to pitch, or just a suggestion to make, feel free to let me know, but ultimately, if I come to a final verdict on something, it’s final.
#6 Be respectful to other players and have fun!
Background Info
Zoma V:
Little is known about the jungle planet of Zoma V (please don’t go looking it up on Wookiepedia :P), except for it’s cruel weather, mysterious and dangerous wildlife, and the presence of a Separatist communications and radar station somewhere on the surface (which apparently has an anti-air turbolaser).
Viego Norr:
Level headed and pragmatic, General Viego Norr is a graying, square jawed, human Jedi Master who formidably wields a blue lightsaber and wears thick, dark brown robes and a pair of fingerless clone bracers. He appears fairly unemotional to those around him, often laser focussed on the task at hand, though he is noticeably protective of his padawan, Tesz.
Tesz Nel’Sha:
Nervous yet earnest, Tesz is a lanky Zabrak girl fast approaching her knighthood, yet feeling unprepared for her trial. She wears slim rust colored robes, with tan wraps up her forearms and shins. She capably yet cautiously wields a green lightsaber, and boasts a strong connection to the force, even if her confidence in her abilities does waver at times. While leery at first, she fiercely protects those she comes to trust. (I may get around to making full blown character sheets for these two)
Midnight Company:
A newly formed company of clones pulled together for the mission, Midnight Company is under the command of the demanding Captain Duke. With this being the first time many of these men are serving together, skepticism and wariness may prove a difficult hurtle, especially between Jedi and clone.
Sign up sheet:
CT Number: This one should be pretty self-explanatory.
Nickname: What do your brothers in arms call you? Why do they call you that?
Appearance: Both how your clone’s armor looks, as well as any physical traits that stand out. Standard Midnight Company paint jobs are white and dark navy blue, and currently clones are outfitted with phase 2 armor.
Specialty/Abilities: Are you the sniper, heavy, or maybe the engineer of the group? Try to keep in mind what other character’s have been made, and try to fill a need where you see one. A squad would be sunk with three gunners and no medics!
Weapons/Equipment: This can be both any gear your clone was issued with, as well as anything they managed to scavenge, though you won’t be starting with the scavenged gear right away, you will get it soon. Be reasonable with this, you won’t be able to haul away a whole AT-TE.
Personality/Weaknesses: What makes your clone tick, and what ticks them off?
Backstory/Previous Experiences: Is this your clone’s first rodeo, or have they seen squamates come and go over the corse of the war.
Phew, that was a lot, but I think we’re done. If you have any questions or concerns, or want to run character ideas by me, feel free to shoot me a PM, and thanks for reading!