Star Wars: Survival over Illum (RP topic)

As Ygdras walked, he eventually found himself alone. “This place feels like it goes on forever.” He said.

The continuous note turned into eerie whispers with a hostile tone, he could discern fragments but what those fragments told him were things that set his anger aflame.


“…next Maul…”

“…Dark Jedi…”

He growled, then whispered, “Shut up.”

Whisps of green mist passed him, moving towards the whispers, towards a small cavern. The whispers didn’t relent their insults, “Shut up!” He yelled as he ran at the cave and to the voices, wanting to see who it was that was insulting him.

OOC: the trial of The Gathering teaches younglings to overcome their most glaring personality flaws; impatience, selfishness, fear, distrust, anger, despair, stubbornness, etc. Overcoming these flaws helps the younglings grow as characters.


At this Kaiden nodded and looked around as they split up. He decided to follow Ygdras, but the two soon parted ways. He found himself walking down a long corridor, with no seeming end.

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@BlackBeltGamer98 Ygdras would begin to see visions of instances of when he killed the first clone, but this time sensing fear from his friends as they watched him tear into the throat of the unarmed man.

@TheMOCingbird Kaiden would begin to see reflections of himself, and his fear of loss. He may even faintly hear master Yoda’s words to Anakin, telling him to learn to let go.

Kay continued on, when she suddenly felt something pulling her into a small tunnel.
She stepped tentatively into the tunnel.

Ygdras felt great guilt for what he did, and also great fear at what he looked like: a monster. “That’s not me.” He said, “I’m not a monster.” He said, clutching his knife for luck.

“Signs of life up ahead.”

Commander Zync stepped forward. The cold didn’t bother him at all. “Follow their position. If they’ve entered the caves… Scout for an exit. If there is none, gas them out.”

He then heard laughter. The voice belonged to someone he dreaded. “My boy, you really believe you were destined to be with these Jedi?”

He turned to face the voice’s source, hoping his fears were wrong.

OOC: Mother Talzin, Maul or someone else?

A hooded figure approached, patches of red skin visible even through the shadows of his hood. “You think you won’t become like me?” he said removing his outer cloak to reveal his horned red face with black markings. “You will continue to thirst for BLOOD!” he said rushing towards Ygdras with spider-like legs.

OOC: does that answer your question?

Ygdras screamed out in terror and horror as he tries to run away from Maul (OOC: using the state he was in on Lotho Minor? nice choice to scare Ygdras), muttering the word, “no” over and over again as he ran.

He ran and ran until he slipped and fell, his knife falling out of its sheath and slid a little ways ahead of him as he landed. He groaned as he shook his head before his eyes widened in fear as he remembered what he was running from and looks around, praying he had lost the Sith.

“Ooh, my boy, you will never lose me. I will always be with you,” he told Ygdras, approaching from where Ygdras came from. From the other side, a pair of red blades ignited and spun towards him. Patches of yellow skin revealed themselves from under black markings. “You are one of us,” they both said in perfect unison.

Ygdras scrambled to get his knife, “I’m not like you!” He said, almost to tears as he began to curl up in fear, clutching the knife close to him, trying to slow down his breathing.

“You’re right, my son,” an older woman’s voice spoke. “You can be much greater than these two. Join me on Dathomir. Come home. I will make you more powerful than you could ever imagine,” she claimed, appearing between Maul and Savage. Green mist filled the area and caused the knife to glow, but not red like a Sith’s saber. Not green like a Nightsister’s mist, but purple. An even balance between blue and red, and symbolic of the balance between light and dark.

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KAdien continued walking, but his pace quickened ad he activated his staff to try and light up the cave more.

Ygdras shed a tear, “At what cost?” He asked Talzin before casting his eyes to his knife and looking at it curiously.

The light from the staff did nothing to light the darkness. “No purpose, lighting your staff has, hm?” A familiar voice questioned.

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“N-no. I suppose not.” Kaiden responded hesitantly.

@TheMOCingbird: “Like this, no good, fear does for you,” the vision of Yoda informed him. “Loss, we will face. Facing loss, we may fear. But come from fearing, no good does. Fear not, youngling, for the will of the Force, all is,”

@BlackBeltGamer98: “The road to true power is littered with pain,” Talzin told him. “But so is the road to the blind Light. Tell me, would you rather walk blindly in the light, or know true power?”

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“B-but, I need to protect! If I lose those close than-then it means I’ve failed!” Kaiden said as he looked around in the cave, trying to find what sounded like master Yoda.

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Ygdras looked at the knife, the three before him then the knife again, recalling how many of the old records in the Archives spoke of balance in the Force and of Master Kenobi’s words regarding Master Qui-gon.

“In pain, I learn where I am weak but in light, I see clearly.” He said showing his knife, “I am a Jedi, a guardian of peace and justice but I am, also, a son of Dathomir.”

“I choose the path between, to safeguard the Light but also wield the Dark; I am Ygdras, Son of Dathomir and a Jedi.” He lowered his head, eyes closed as he knelt, awaiting the judgement of his ancestor’s matriarch.