Star Wars: The Force Awakens

I have a hard time believing that. :smiley:


I think its going to be more of a chase scene. Guessing from the mood of the scene that Kylo has probably killed some people and Finn has run off into the woods. Kylo is doing that evil ‘slow determined walk’ thing trying to find Finn - Finn meanwhile is trying to get away yet Kylo catches up resulting in a duel that’d probably end up being interrupted.

Its interesting we have yet to see how ‘The Force Awakens’ does light sabre battles…


going off of what Scar said, it’ll probably be a short dual that’l get interrupted

but man Finn looks cool with a lightsaber

though I guess anyone really could


Speaking of the lightsaber, looks like Abrams is still keeping the traditional look of the saber for Finn, at least.

Meanwhile, it’s been rumored that Kylo Ren’s lightsaber is a bit underdeveloped and unstable.

Hmmm, we can’t really tell if it’s pointed à-la Rebels.

That’s not really a rumour. You can see it in the saber blade and it was mentioned in the Lucasfilm-sanctioned EW article.

Guessing if thats the case’ll end up somehow getting killed by his own light sabre malfunctioning or not working properly. Many have speculated that one of the side blades might end up being sliced off in a battle due to the design enabling someone to kill him - several people joked about the topic but i guess its possible

That would be…incredibley lame and underwhelming. :stuck_out_tongue: Is that an actual rumor, or just speculation?

Just speculation, though people do think that one of the issues with the new light saber design was that the side pieces could be cut off.

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hey guys

JJ Abrams said Midochorians or whatever, those things for measuring force in the prequels and EU won’t be brought up in the movie. So I guess they’re non-canon anymore or something?

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…(insert huge smiley face here)

They’re probably not non-canon (considering that they’re mentioned many times in the PT), but at least he’s going to pretend like they don’t exist. :slight_smile:


Not in the slightest. Midi-chlorians still exist.

(And I still like them)


:confused: Would you mind explaining why? I’m not necessarily against them, but I don’t especially like them either.


They’re misunderstood. Most people jumped to the conclusion that they were the generators of the force. But in fact they’re simply the vehicles that channel the force. Their differing amounts in different individuals helps establish why only some people are force-sensitive.

On another level, it points out just how dogmatic the Jedi had become. They tried to come up with explanations for everything Force-related instead of tapping into the living Force itself.

The more that I look at the state of the Jedi Order in the prequels, the more Palpetine’s purge almost sounds like a good thing…

…from a certain point of view :wink:


My point and a few others are that it’s just some measurement system used just to tell how powerful force users are

like power levels in certain series

sorta useless considering

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…I’ll admit, this is actually a pretty great way to look at it. I’d never thought of it like that. :no_mouth: Although, it still wasn’t intended to be like that…George Lucas just wanted to explain something that didn’t need explaining–and that’s my only problem with the midi-chlorians.

In this case, does the creator’s original intent really matter? Sure, my logic may not be part of George’s original vision, but IMO it enhances it.

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Fair enough. I guess it doesn’t really matter what he intended; it’s just how we interpret it that matters. :blush:


Nothing to spoil, of course. Just kind of exciting to get a commercial for it. :smiley:




Yop. There’s his voice according to the toy.