Star Wars Topic

You know what movie we really need? One set from a stormtroopers perspective, see how they veiw the war


inb4 first-person view shot of a stormtrooper in rogue one a la saving private ryan


We’ve been getting a lot of that in the new canon (some chapters of Battlefront: Twilight Company, Lost Stars and everything involving Rae Sloane).

I feel like it would be a much harder sell to the mainstream public though.


just a question here, should i talk about Midi-chlorians here?

because in my mind, the amount of Midi-chlorians should not really mean much if one can use the force or not. Sure not having as many Midi-chlorian as a normal jedi or sith would have, would probably mean that they would have difficoulty in using the force to lift a large rock, but to me, that should not stop them. Infact this could be used as away to have “non-force sentitive” (aka, people whith to low amount of Midi-chlorian) characters like Finn be able to learn the force, true he won’t be as strong as someone like Obi-Wan or Yoda, but he would still be able to communicate and use the force so some extent.

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Um, Finn is force sensitive.

So why does this matter?

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Sure. I continue to not have a problem with midi-chlorians. We had an interesting discussion about them some time ago in the TFA topic:

From what I understand, midi-chlorians are present in all living beings. Jedi and Sith just so happen to have more of them and have devoted their lives to tuning into the Force, which explains their extraordinary abilities.

I vaguely remember some authors in the old EU toying with the idea that certain individuals with seemingly extreme luck and lightning fast reflexes (such as Han Solo) are actually Force sensitive to a degree. Han just grew up during a time in the galaxy when he wasn’t able to be exposed to the idea of the Force (at least in the way the Jedi perceived it). He just assumed that he had a whole lot of luck in life.

I really like that idea. It tells us that the Force moves and acts through all the different beings in the universe, regardless of whether or not they believe in it.


i am aware that midi-chlorians are in all living beings, but what is indicated is that a spesific number of midi-chlorians are needed for someone to be trully force sentitive.

what i was talking about and what you was talking about, is that there would not be a spesific number of midi-chlorians needed to be force sensitive, the midi-chlorians allowed one to communicate with the force, its just that the more one have, the stronger that connection is, but even the ones who have a “weaker” connection to the force, are able to use it. Basicly a good reason for why the Jedi and the Sith would only train those who have a strong connection with the force is because for the Jedi, they would train them so that they would not end up harming others if they used their force powers by accident (just imagine a young child force user using force push by accident), while for the Sith, its a no brainer why they would seek out and train the most powerful force users they could find.

but with some people like Finn or Han Solo, their midi-chlorian number would be considert to low to actualy have any force power by both the Jedi and the Sith, but if they actualy trained them, then they could be able to tap into the force like they do, it would however be a bit more difficoult, because they don’t have the same amount of midi-chlorians like them. But the idea remains, which would also solve the problem that some people have with the midi-chlorians, namely that no matter how high or low ones midi-chlorians levels are, one is still able to use the force.

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THANK YOU. I hate it when people jump to that conclusion.

Again, THANK YOU. That was the whole point of the introduction of the Midi-Chlorians to begin with. Besides explaining how the Jedi and Sith tap into the force, it also shows how the Jedi have turned their RELIGION, a thing that is supposed to be faith based, into a science. Along with the ancient Sith Temple that’s located under the Jedi Temple, it’s no wonder the Jedi were having trouble reading the force in the twilight hours of the Republic.

In one of the Republic Commando books, there’s a specific conversation about how a force sensitive person would grow up if they weren’t picked up by the Jedi Order. It’s basically like you said. They aren’t able to move things with their mind, but they seem to be lucky, or they’re an exceptional sports star, or etc.


Hmmm… I haven’t thought about that. I dunno, I kinda like the dogma idea more. Having things explained by an underground Sith temple shifts the blame away too much from the order itself, y’know?

Do you remember what book that was in?

Man, I really need to get around to reading the RC series…

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Probably Order 66, but it might have been True Colours

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which “Legends” force power would you guys wish to see make a return to the main canon in a future Star Wars movie

me personaly, i would like to see Pyrokinesis make a return.

I think a lot of people also objected to the idea of a high midi-chlorian count equaling greater Force potential. The OT seemed to establish the idea that anyone could tap into the Force if they received enough training (particularly Episode IV), and while that’s still true with the prequels, stating that your Force potential is based on the amount of midi-chlorians you have seemed like a less mystical explanation. Now, when someone fails to use the Force, it’s because they don’t have enough of the “special Force cells,” rather than they simply don’t have enough faith, i.e. Luke in Episode V.


Order 66 I think, because they were talking about a child that was part Jedi part clone, after he was born that was guaranteed to be force sensitive.

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But The child was born in True Colours so maybe? and it could have always been Imperial Commando: the 501st

Yes, but the majority of the conversations about Kad in True Colors were about whether or not he would be force sensitive. If I remember correctly, Kal and Jusik had the sports star conversation sometime in Order 66. Been awhile since I read them, but I read all five non-stop for about four years, so they’re kind of ingrained :joy:

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Lol same

Clan Skirata needs to make a comeback in canon. It would be awesome to see them begrudgingly fight the Empire in Rebels with Sabine. It would just be about finding the perfect voice for Skirata and Vau though.

Unfortunately that messes with existing canon, clan Skirata requires the EU Mandalore

Ehhh, does it? Clan Skirata could have easily just relocated to Concordia since it fits the EU description of Mandalore. Lots of forests, rich in beskar ore, etc. The Mandalorian Protectors seen in Rebels could easily be the canonical version of the True Mandalorians (which is an odd title anyway), and Clan Skirata could have their bastion set up on Concordia. Fenn Rau could guide Sabine and the Ghost crew through the small settlement of Keldabe, where Fenn Sysha could direct them to Kyrimorut, or, even cooler, Jusik could sense Ezra and Kanan, and bring them back himself.


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I dunno. So many of the Legends Force powers feel very video game-y (mainly because they were invented in order to have tons of different powers for the various RPG games). I don’t think most of them would fit in the canon.

I don’t really see that. It’s pretty clearly established in the OT that Luke is very special because he’s a powerful Force-sensitive Jedi-in-training. Luke couldn’t have just rounded up a bunch of Alliance foot soldiers and taught them how to be Jedi. That’s not how the Force works.

The Empire didn’t just eradicate all knowledge of the Jedi (arguably the most well-known Force-users in the galaxy). Vader and the Inquisitors worked to destroy any remaining powerful Force users and attempted to sway younglings who showed promising Force sensitivity to their side.

As I said, I think that someone must already have a strong Force sensitivity in order to even consider using the Force (in the conventional way we’ve seen). However, I really like your point about “faith”. Raw potential isn’t enough. Force-users have to refine and cultivate their gifts, meditating on the Force and learning how to use the particular abilities the Force has given them.

Luke’s failure to lift the X-Wing in ESB stems mainly from doubt. He doubted that the Force was powerful enough to lift something as massive as an X-Wing. He was experiencing a mental block. Luke’s belief in Force and his innate sensitivity to it both influence his ability to control it.

That sounds like an awesome idea, but what could Kal Skirata bring to the story that we don’t already have with Fenn Rau?