Star Wars Topic

I mean even before the Disney Era, in the EU we’ve had this kind of stuff before so it isn’t too much of an aberration.

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It was literally just a reskin of ANH. A carbon copy but with better SFX and camera quality.

Which is what I said

the sequels are garbo

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Yeah. I misunderstood the comment.

I can’t say your wrong about TFA but it was a reskin of a good movie. Honestly I would have like the entire sequel trilogy to be a reskin becuase at least that’d be better then what we got.



Honestly besides JP dubs of cartoons, I’m still surprised they only now went for an anime, after the manga they’ve been making

I feel that I’m in the minority of liking all three of the sequel films (+ the spin-offs). I’ve been enjoying most of the recent SW output, including the Mandalorian and the High Republic (at least the first novel, I haven’t read any of the other stuff yet).

I guess I’m the type of person that focuses on the positives in things rather than the negatives. Even TROS, which I definitely feel is the weakest of the sequels, still has things in it that I like. Heck, I even have a twisted appreciation for things like the Holiday Special, and that thing is painful for me to watch.

Basically what I’m trying to say is, I have a very open-mind when it comes to Star Wars and I’m willing to give this Visions thing a chance.

So long as they don’t put Jar Jar in a catgirl outfit, we’re good.


You and me both. I’ve tried to hold on hope, because for many years, people were saying that the prequels were awful, and that they killed Star Wars for good, but now the vitriol toward the prequels has died down. But from the way things are going with the ST hate…some days I find it hard to hold out hope that people can just calm the **** down about them.

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For those who are worried about Visions (which I wouldn’t be, personally), it’s been basically confirmed that it exists outside of canon, and is more of an experimental series designed to give these studios as much freedom as possible.


And as a result will be light years better then most of lucasfilms.

somehow …

somehow I doubt that.

But to each their own.

If anything it’ll be more like sword art alternative; by own standards not having the original involved will only help.
It feels like For every success Disney Star Wars makes it makes double the fails whether they’re big or small.

I’ve not really been following much Star Wars related anything as of late, and at this point I’m not sure how to react to this being a real thing.

First off, this is an anthology, we will be getting multiple different stories here. I also don’t think it’s likely to have a huge impact on anything canon-wise.

Second of all, do I think having Star Wars in anime form is a good idea? Ehhhh? This is my view at the moment: Disney is creatively bankrupt at the moment. They are pretty much just regurgitating everything and not innovating much with any of their old IPs. This is part of why I hardly follow anything Star Wars anymore, I just don’t have the same excitement when the same stuff gets repeated again a hundred times.

Now I can’t speak for anyone else, but a huge reason I watch anime nowadays is because it’s not like current American media. I can’t stand most new shows that come on Netflix or any other platform. With anime there is actual variety, so to me it’s very anti-Disney. I know many on here do not like certain tropes that are common in anime and manga, and I do agree with some of those criticisms, but at the very least it’s different and doesn’t have the bull that American television is riddled with. So on paper, at least to me, this could be potentially good. The legit concerns I have would be:

Will the directors be so confined to Disney’s corporate rules that they won’t really able to do much good?

Will an anthology really have much of an impact seeing as they’re just a bunch of short stories?

Will the anime tropes be overused? (I thought the animation looked fine for the most part but that animal girl design looks cringe)


At least they’re not making Star Wars the animation. I tried watching supernatural the animation but it was just so slavishly accurate to the original that it was boring. At least this is different from just making an anime out of the movies or anything like that.

I watched about 4 of them and maybe it’s just because I don’t watch anime but I was not happy with the frame rate and the dubbing. Most felt stilted, awkward and lazy. Although the episode: the elder, was enjoyable.

I liked The Elder, Lop and Ocho, The Nineth Jedi, and the Village Bride the best of the group.

The fact you replied to my comment made me remember this was even a thing. I started watching it one day, stopped halfway through, and completely forgot it existed until now.

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Ah good to know, The Elder is the only of those I watched so maybe those are a bit better.

I have been rather liking Book of Boba Fett


Yeah I wouldn’t call it the mandolorian 2 or anything but it’s pretty good.

I have very strong feelings about Tatooine Rhapsody. And that’s that I dislike it.