Star Wars Topic

The final point about why the Empire wouldn’t investigate Organa is interesting, but I don’t think it holds up. The Empire is taking a big risk leaving someone like Organa with wealth and connections to continue to conspire against the Empire and potentially form a rebel movement. Which is exactly what has happened by the time of ANH. It would be incredibly unwise to leave a powerful enemy like that unchecked. Not to mention taking Organa down would make him example for the rest of the senate of the consequences of betrayal. Buying the Empire time to eventually get rid of them all.

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epic roasts ft. Racie

In other news I’m also rewatching Clone Wars. Would recommend if you have the time. It gets really good only after it starts taking itself seriously, around season 3.


This whole post was incredibly harsh.

Incredibly correct, as well. From a certain point of view.


I’m going to ignore that little freak out and accept that Kenobi takes place in a separate continuity. If your daily activities revolve around analyzing Star Wars then you need to get a life.


there’s no reason to be condescending, nor to twist someone’s opinion to be so. Saying “You putting time into formulating and stating your stance about something you’re passionate about means you need to get a life” is not a good look.

It’s not just not a good look, it’s a bad look - like you can’t take it with people disagreeing with you, or something.

I’m not sure how you’d feel if someone told you “If your daily activities revolve around building or talking about LEGOs then you need to get a life.”


No no, he’s got a point: if you’re watching this series enough to analyze it so much, then you need to get a life and watch some good content, like Legends of Chima.



I wouldn’t care if someone told me that because they’re probably right. LEGO themselves don’t care about afols since they got rid of b&p and eliminated the tools necessary for scale modeling. Scale modeling with an artificially scarce collectible is just as bad as nitpicking a fantasy story with inconsistent rules.

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If your daily activities revolve around telling people that they need to get a life then you need to get a life.
Irony intended.


I would feel sad, mostly because of its accuracy


There is a reason why actors like Alec Guiness and Harrison Ford don’t really think highly of Star Wars. It is a simple story that gets blown way out of proportion.


OH YEAH? Maybe I will do that!!!

Just Kidding


All of these are excellent points. The Vader one is the one I most agree with on thinking it over.

I didn’t quite have time to elaborate on my stance the last couple messages, but right now I recognize that, to fit this show with the continuity, it takes an incredible amount of bending over backwards to make it fit. That is an absolute flaw of the show, but I am able to accept these changes because I don’t think anything completely breaks canon, just a bit of creativity to come to terms with.

I think the key place where I differ in opinion is in how hard and fast I treat dialogue in this series. Once again, Obi-Wan himself is Mr. “From a Certain Point of View”. When applied, dialogue from the OT about the PT is generally pretty vague, and this is when George was in charge of both. Lines continued to be ‘fixed’ in the Prequels and Clone Wars as they went along (Obi-Wan calls Yoda his teacher in Empire, but in TPM it’s Qui-Gon. Well, in AOTC we see that Yoda taught the younglings, so he was Obi-Wan’s teacher at one point!) and I don’t think that will change in the future. The characters, in dialogue, are not worried about perfectly relaying their past in set terms, but in whatever sounds the most dramatic/coolest in the moment. The more information we get can either recontextualize it or make it more difficult to understand, it just doesn’t break it for me.

The video’s point about Leia’s formality is one I still tend to agree with. I’ve seen someone point out that at that point, Leia is still sort of using it as a diplomatic cover to formally request aid from an old ally of her father, beginning by calling him General Kenobi. But, she breaks formality at the end with the infamous “Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope.” It’s a bit out of place with the rest of the message, and with the new context of the show, it could be seen as Leia appealing to an old friend. A stretch? Maybe, but Leia has always been incredible at masking emotion in the past, so it’s not out of character. And I do think her leaping out of her chair when she says ‘Ben Kenobi?!’ still has merit to it.

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I now am glad that I watched episode five. Finally, the most annoying character in the show gets beaten up by Darth Vader, and we get some idea of how the Empire actually goes about attacking a military base.


Oh yeah that was great. There’s only so much a character can do before it gets to the point they’re just irredeemable.

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i chortled


I’d’ve called g1 Chewie the “strongman”, IMO. He and Han worked together on the Falcon, and I don’t recall Chewie Mechanicing anything else.


A man of class.

Honestly true, I do remember there were a couple scenes in the OT, I think in ESB, where he was more of a mechanic kind of character. I think that also could’ve been more of an untold role as the copilot/Han’s partner, if that makes sense.


I’m WAY behind on watching Obi-Wan Kenobi, but I watched Episode 4 today. I know lots of people are trashing the show for “breaking continuity” with ANH, but I’m honestly liking the show. It’s kind of interesting seeing Obi-Wan going on a mission to rescue/protect Leia from the Empire, and seeing him have a rematch with his former Padawan. It’s also nice that we get to see some Inquisitors in live action…even if Reva is generating a lot of controversy. And the ending of the episode, where they revealed Reva putting a tracking device on Lola-that was a surprise. Now I’m looking forward to watching Episode 5 and 6 even more.

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Episode 5 is great. My favorite episode.


Andor kinda good lol