Any thoughts?
Very cool! I like how they look like a middle ground between regular and Av-Matoran build styles. The custom parts work very well.
Holy moley I love this design. Makes me wish the av matoran had limbs like those. Would have been awesome to get super compact limbs in the gen 1 art style
This looks awesome. I actually think that I like the stars feet more on these though.
That torso is super cool. I can’t believe such a solid-looking torso with a waist joint can be made mostly around Avtoran parts. I agree with what @Bioman said about how this merges the Stars design with a bit of a more custom, poseable design.
Also, I’m curious: how are the back cases/spines attached?
These are amazing. Makes me wanna build them irl, maybe the custom parts could be 3d printed
Clever. Those new end-stop 3L pins are great for the Rahkshi shells.
These are really terrific, and I’m glad to see that they’ve received so much love! These are the STARS sets I wish we received: clear homages to the originals, but with contemporary poseability. Panrahk looks the best, and really makes me wish we got translucent green joints besides the two oranges and medium blue!