State of the Contests Update

The point of the canon contests is to fill in the blanks in canon designs left by lack of time, budget and death of the line. The biggest mistake here was to make this a contest honestly… with stakes this big it was doomed to attract people who just wanted clout and were ready to ruin this for everyone else just to win and be famous.

It’s fine to interpret each characters’ looks differently, but you must remember to play fair and respect other people who participate in this too.

It’s better to have a bit more moderation and not be as nasty as a swan to everything that moves to each other


Finally, someone who thinks like me. This is an excellent way of having a better color variety in our mocs without having to paint official pieces and even get expensive ones (like the lime Faxon or the pearl gold Kraahkan) without having to pay a ridiculous amount of money.

Echoed. On the topic of frying the bigger fish, I’ve come up with a list of assistant positions to be grouped into teams that actually might help improve the process of future contests:

1. Assistant for Lore Discrepancies “Lore Hounds” - to check whether the entry aligns with lore descriptions and details, ofc

2. Assistant for IO File Validity “Studio Experts” - to check if each digital entry has no “impossible” build techniques like clippings, and properly linked files and Part Packs.

3. Assistant for Rule Compliance - to check the entrant’s account and activity as well, if their entry is not on anyone’s behalf, plagiarized, etc. Rule based checking, basically.

4. Assistant for Poll Set-Up - to oversee the polls and that entries are properly organized. Better to have a team get on this than put the entire load on two people.

It’s a tall order to look for people qualified to accomplish these for the foreseeable future of contests, but having teams to monitor stuff like these seems very practical. What do y’all think? Any assistant positions to add?


I’m not talking about banworthy stuff, just ruin someone’s reputation within the contest itself

How high are the stakes really? You get your figure on a wiki page. Yippee. I can’t say i understand why people get so uptight about this, it’s just for fun, or it should be.


Then how is what you’re discussing even related to the topic at hand?

To a lot of people, it’s more than that. It means that, officially, whenever Helryx appears in published media, the text is now referring to the Toa depicted in Mister-N’s artwork rather than the concept of a Toa of Water with a mace and shield.


Also I might add that mak
ing a MOC of character is not really that perfect of a method, since you are still limited by the flaws of Lego parts and the software (if you do it digitally). Plus you cannot shove clay between joints to mimic muscule perfectly

On the Bright side a MOC can be a good basis for your drawn design. How the character works, how they might move, how they speak and mimic. A MOC is a good frame on what you should expand on…

Yeah I am too much of a very extremely detailed worldbuilding enthusiast


So let’s talk about the real issues (I’ll probably get banned for saying all this). Some of the staff are not very receptive to criticism and are very set in their ways. The main post that started this thread strikes me as a tad suspicious given the nature of said individual. As Kini said, it seems very unlikely that one would simply change their mind so quickly. Perhaps the Google poll is what got the ball rolling. If that is the case, why not fully embrace it, ease the pains of the past? You people have nothing to lose, and maybe even a little to gain from this. I know many have lost faith in said staff member I am referring to, and are too afraid to speak out about his stubborn behavior, in fear of being banned. Well I’m not afraid of this. The only stakes I have ever held in these contests is making Vahki6’s Mangai Rode free to use at this point. I have no love for the contests, but if they do make people happy, they might have some merit, but things need to change. In fact I don’t think said staff member is even inherently a bad person, just hard to reason with. It would probably ease his mind if he didn’t have to carry this burden. I think we all would understand. Damage has undoubtably still been done, but maybe things can be better. But until then, we can’t teach a pig to sing, and said stubborn staff member likely won’t be very receptive to us civilians. But without us, he never would have this power. We gave him the attention, we gave him the views. We laughed at the funny skits. We saw a set get sawed in half. Were we wrong to do that? No. But at the end of the day, he is just a mere man, just as I am. If anyone knows me here, it’s probably not because of this place, but because of Discord. So with this text wall I say this. We the community are the ones who really have the power.


And um

your point is …


I think we should speak our minds, is my thought.

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I don’t think that’s a bannable offense. Have they not made it pretty clear already that criticism is not bannable, just abuse? I’ve seen a lot of fearmongering about this rule, and that’s why Arcan and I asked for some clarification, but it seems people are still afraid of it.


my man have you ever heard of something called a paragraph break


My paranoia mostly comes from Voot getting axed.


While I’ve generally been of the opinion that it would be better to let the G1 canon rest already, I’ve also been of the opinion that canon contests could be cool if they were handled well and breathed some life into the community. I think the changes that have been proposed here could be a step in the right direction. Giving artists the time to make corrections to their entries is a nice move (as the permanent disqualifications for honest mistakes were my biggest issue with how the prior contests were managed), and bringing on new management help can’t be a bad idea. These contests are pretty large affairs, so a larger team is probably necessary to keep them running smoothly and at a regular pace.

Barring Double from future contests was definitely the right call. That dude has no concept of good sportsmanship, which should be (and typically is) a basic requirement for any kind of competition like this. How all the weird channers crawling out of the woodwork to defend him never learned this is beyond me.


Voot got axed for a reason. She was snarky and unproductive, as right as she may have been. Your reply is productive, actionable criticism.


Thanks, that actually means a lot!

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darn it i knew i should’ve started posting discord screenshots sooner
i could’ve been first
you should see masterpiece monthly right now
they ain’t happy

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I’m guessing it’s probably because I’m not good at being passive aggressive. So most of what would otherwise be snarkiness is just converted to genuine criticism.

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Holy frick I’ve only been gone like two hours how does this always happen is it even worth replying anymore when the topic’s gotten so out of hand and means literally nothing anymore

Wow, yeah, that’s a lot to take in.

In regards to your question at the end about what I meant, yes and no. I definitely agree that should a user have a particular criminal background that rises to the certain level that you allude to, then yeah, definitely give them the boot. Honestly, I didn’t think that really needed to be said (though it is definitely good to say that). But, personally, I also don’t think literal criminal activity need be the only criteria for someone to get cross-platform ban. What that criteria would look like would be up to the mods and staff (it’d have to be something more than that person merely throwing a hissy fit, and probably have a history of doing said behavior). But, as you also alluded to, and as I said in my post, such a mechanism would have the potential to become a witch hunt for those with ill-intent, and would possibly flood the mods with requests to ban people. In the which case, yeah, banning someone for their behavior on another platform wouldn’t be that great of an idea. Merely spit balling an idea on a potential way to get people to be less toxic here and elsewhere, have them held to account.

Totally gonna steal this.

Also, in general to people criticizing the polling happening on TTV, and not like Google Docs or whatever else, the whole reason of having it be on TTV in the first place was to prevent fraudulent voting from occurring, I assume mainly through bots or duplicate accounts. There can’t be that level of oversight on another platform. In the which case, good. They’ve been criticized for not being transparent as it is, do you really think moving the polling to somewhere else where even they can’t vet the votes is going to be a smart idea?


Okay… It’s getting heated here… Can we all please calm down a bit…?