Steelbox: Sentry Builder

“The Wreckers build spaceships… I build their tools.” — Steelbox

While the media focuses on units like the Wreckers or the Elite Guard, engineers like Steelbox are working tirelessly to ensure the safety of Autobot supply lines. Specializing in mobile weapons systems and drone manufacturing, Steelbox is responsible for many of the tools used to bring the Autobots closer to victory, even if some of them are… well… a little less than helpful…

[Iacon Crime Report: 11/04/1968]
Crime: Property damage, battery, illegal operation of weapon systems in a populated area
Suspect: unidentified Mini-Con, possibly a drone unit. Suspect’s location is currently unknown. Suspect attacked multiple people with a low-caliber autopistol before vanishing. Footage shows suspect to be less than six feet in height, and is colored silver and black with a noticeable rotary gun for an arm.

On one occasion, Steelbox was ordered to develop a drone unit that would take the place of a Targetmaster’s weapon, ostensibly to keep such Autobots on the battlefield if their partners were injured or killed. However, the prototype went rogue, attacking multiple civilians before escaping Iacon and vanishing. It was later destroyed by humans after it was discovered on Earth, having somehow boarded an Autobot transport ship. Steelbox later made a similar drone with improved AI, dubbing it the Sentry-Con, a mobile automated gun turret system for use in areas where larger weapons would be impossible to place.

Steelbox’s alt-mode is an antique Ford pickup truck, outdated by human and Cybertronian standards alike. His main weapon is a massive wrench/welding rod, though his right arm contains a standard Cybertronian blaster.