Storm Beast

So, Storm Beast is my favourite of the Beasts, and so I thought I’d give drawing him a shot. It took waaayy longer than I thought, but I think it turned out nicely.

Here he is without all the fancy effects:

So, let me know what you think! Any critiques or criticisms are helpful. I probably won’t be doing any of the other Beasts any time soon because this guy took way too long.


Pretty cool.
I like the lighting stuff in the first one.

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Noice, this is pretty cool

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Anything related to SB is instantly awesome haha.

In all seriousness, I really like how you made the crystals “needlers” like you said, but it may just be my sight or not but the I the leg and the tail blend in so much I cannot tell them appart at forst glance =L

Otherise it’s great!
welcome to the SB fan club


Pretty much the only complaint is what @blu blu said with regards to the leg and tail.

Overall, he’s really:


Man it’s drawings like this that make me wish I was good at digital art.


Well, I did it physically, then uploaded it to my computer to colour.



That’s pretty cool!
I really like the “needler” effect you gave the shoulders. The only thing I’m not quite sold on is the top of the head. Maybe that’s because it looks more jagged in the set.
Good stuff! :smiley:


This looks great, Pek. I really like how you made this look fairly simple, but still got the SB look across!

Awesome job, man!

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I think it looks neat, I like how the growths on his upper arm came out, but at the same time I think it’d be a bit better if it overtook the upper arms more

just my thoughts

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The waist looks awfully thin…maybe adding those back braces should help

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I enjoy the version without the effects. Nice job! :slight_smile:

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Nice drawings! I love the glowing effect you have going on with the armor.


I like the mixtures between the set accuracy and the stylized look it has.

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