I really like the way you gave him horns as well as make this MOC use lightning. He reminds me of a bit of Norse mythologies as well as Vikings. with that armor.
I love the proportions here, very cool looking build plus a vehicle riding moc is always cool
I’m digging the vehicle. Reminds me of Xplode’s hovercraft, only more streamlined in the front.
The colors on the fire are also nice, I like the blocking.
That custom chromed Hau is interesting. Where did you get it?
@Au-Plau-Se I was going for a viking look, so I’m glad that came through. Also this is a female moc
@Ghid it’s a custom mask from Ziontyro
Wait a minute, she is a female? That would mean that she would be a Toa of Lightning right?
Yep, she’s a lightning Toa
Does Stratos have a Toa team she goes with? Also Was she originally a Vo-Matoran and if that is the case, what was her occupation?
She used to be a member of my moc Palladian’s team, but he turned traitor and she was the only one that sided with him. So now she’s a villain aligned with Palladian and his empire/Makuta. Now she hunts down Toa and either executes them, or captures them to be turned to shadow Toa by the brotherhood of Makuta. As for her matoran days, I haven’t really come up with anything that far back for her story yet
That’s a quality MOC. Are the horns glow-in-the-dark?
Also why is it that she has horns on her head? Is that custom built or was she in Karzahni to get that added to her?
There’s no lore explanation for the horns, I just thought they looked cool