importing custom pieces issue

Hi! Since I have a scarsity of green Bionicle parts I wanted to use
I tried importing a pack of Bionicle parts, but despite doing everything as the tutorial said they didn’t show up in the editor. What am I doing wrong?

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Are you using a Mac or PC?

For Mac I had to go into the folder where the Studio app is located in my computer, go into the lDraw sub folder, and then paste in the file that was downloaded- in the case of the Biopack it was a folder called CustomParts. I had to change the name of it to Custom Parts (adding in the space between the words) in order for it to work, I was then able to see it as a palette option in studio.


Thank you! It worked!


I’m using a Dell Inspiron 15 5000 Series so there is not working because the computer is incorrect?

No it should work on a dell just fine

Something that confused me for quite a while was that I had trouble locating the “Custom Parts” folder where the tutorials tell you to put the parts files (I had to do it manually 'cause I use a Mac). Eventually I figured out that the folder probably doesn’t exist to begin with unless you first make a custom part or minifigure in’s sister app known as “PartDesigner”, available here:

Yeah, or you can always manually create that folder as I eventually did.

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Excuse me hello, sorry to bother you but I didn’t want to create a whole new topic to ask something this minor.

here goes. I am trying to use connect tool to connect regular pins to inika torso. for some reason I can’t connect them using the connect tool. I open connect tool, choose the pin and it shows small cylinders inside it, choose one of them but when i try to click the bionicle torso it does not regognice my command.

i tried to connect regular pieces and regular bionicle hands and legs, they worked marvelously.

is it impossible to combine pins and torso using

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Try just dragging it instead of using the connect tool. It should snap into place.


Welp, now I have a question about

When using it, how do you bend flexible elements like chains, hoses, and flex tubes?

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With extreme difficulty. I recommend this channel; while I can’t listen to his cadence, he’s very knowledgeable about the software and makes instructive tutorials.

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Thanks for the help, @TichePotato.

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It didn’t snap into place but I found out that instead of clokcing cylindes at the end of pin I could select one in the middle. Thank you anyway.

I was prepared to post a thank you message like this one “now I know how other scientists felt when they saw E=mc^2. It was so simple”

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I’m on Windows and can’t figure it out

I need help with the latest version. im trying to add these TheJerminator's Parts - Google Drive so I can get the volitx thunderbolt piece. can someone help me

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