So this is where I’ll be posting all my system mocs. I don’t really build too much system, at least not right now. But when I do I generally build Lego Transformers so That’s what I’ll start with:
seriously though, this is really well done, system transformers is something I can’t even dream of doing myself, and this looks really good, though he needs a better head.
good job.
So after playing with Starscream after keeping him in a drawer for a couple months I really wanted to make a new transformers so After digging through my transformers bin I found Aoe Scorn and decided to build him!
Robot mode! (I didn’t show his transformation because it’s a pain to take pics of it and it’s really simple so if you look close you can tell how it happens)
Sorry the pics are ssssooooo blurry I didn’t have access to my usual place I take pics so these where taken on the shelf behind the bed meaning me and the tripod had to stand on the bed.
God dangit
Well all the pics I took of this guy where too big to upload so I took new ones which where also too big. So now I’m frustranted and it’s getting late so I’m just going to wait till morning to fix it.
So I was trying to make a little cuteish robot thing bbbuuuuuttt ended up with this instead. Don’t get me wrong I like it it just wasn’t what I was going for.