(Sugar) Skull Villains

Well, I challenged myself to draw the Skull Villain’s Masks as sugar skulls and finish them on day of the dead. So here I am… posting these on day of the dead.

I dont think all of these convey properly what a sugar skull necessarily looks like, and not all of them look exactly like the characters they’re based on, but I kind of like the way they came out anyway.
Also, as it turns out, three of the pictures are too heavy to upload, so only Kulta and Skull Slicer have the quality I hoped I could post them in. Not that there’s too much of a difference anyway.

Feliz día de los muertos! :confetti_ball:
Greetings from Mexico.

Kulta the Skull Grinder

Skull Warrior

Skull Slicer

Skull Basher

Skull Scorpio


This is awesome! I love the Day of the Dead design!

Really neat!
I like them all, but I think Skull scorpio’s design is my favorite! (It looks like it could actually be a bionicle mask or some sort!)

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Skull Slicer’s face looks like something I would see printed on a Hawaiian surfboard

I love these designs, great job man.

It is honestly difficult to choose a favourite…

All of these look really cool! My fav’s got to be he Kulta Skull Grinder mask. The colors and designs work perfectly to merge the two concepts.

Since we’re celebrating the dead today, these are perfect for remembering the death of Bionicle.:joy:

I really like Basher’s and Scorpio’s, btw.


Very neat designs. Skull Scorpios especially came out great.

Ay la Día de los Muertos. I love the festive take on normally very imposing designs!

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These all look interesting and great!

yo, these are freaking great

I like all of them, they have an interesting style that I’m not used to seeing where I live.
My favorite one is Basher’s, since I think it’s the one that resembles the original mask the most.

These masks look absolutely breathtaking, Slicer’s has gotta be my favorite, and all of the Day of the Dead designs really add a lot of color and character to the masks that you’d usually only get by looking at the whole character.

Great! I really like how you altered some of the masks for the different charcters so they all look unique instead of compies of each other.

These are incredible!

Wow, these are weird and AWSOME. I love unique BIONICLE fan art like this, great job!

Very nice. Not something you see everyday.

Nice job on all of these. I think my favorite would be Slicer (the colors on it work especially well IMO).

Keep up the great work!

Feliz Dia de los Muertos.

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Oh my god… i just thought of something. what if these as actual builds were released in mexico as Day of the dead exclusive bionicles. OoO