Super Toa MOC Contest - Looking for participants

No problem on slow projects. Since I don’t have any complete entries, I don’t plan on closing the contest any time soon

Also, if anyone noted:
Halda Ronya’s right arm is made kinda poorly. The only reason it looks bad is because I couldn’t find a small handful of pieces that I had used in the left arm, but I was able to purchase a few extra of the new sets that included some of those parts. I’m mentioning this now because I finally put together his right arm properly, and he is now a completed MOC.

Anyway, I just wanted to throw that out there to explain the odd right arm. I’ll likely make a new topic solely about the MOC.

Edited for Double Post - Waj

It’s too bad I’m not that great☹️I guess I could try

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I have one G1 set, it is Lewa nuva.

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I will post some later today

I would love to enter this

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go for it man!

I keep forgetting! OK, I’m done forgetting! I will post something! I’ll do it!

When does this end, I might join, but I dont have g1, I mostly have g2

Does a giant Vahki count as humanoid?

@LTVmocs there isn’t a set end date (I’m trying to get more people to join). However, if you can make the CCBS factor as small as possible, that would be great.

@Sciencegiraffe as long as your MOC looks like some kind of heroic/knight-like character. (I’m pretty much taking what I can get with regards to who enters… RIP)

I would like to enter, but I don’t have a lot of G1 parts. Can I post a picture of my MOC here to see if he qualifies? He is half CCBS, half G1.

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go for it. I’ll see if it’s something I can judge for the contest.

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Here is Voltrix, Monarch of electricity.

(I suck at posing)

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I think it’s nice, but it’s not something I can go about and judge. There’s too much CCBS for me to tell what’s going on. Also, from what I can tell, the arms (I don’t know about the legs) appear to be skeleton based which is something participants are instructed to try and avoid. I’m sorry, but while you have a nice MOC here, can’t accept it into the contest.

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Darn. I wish I was into Bionicle when G1 was out.

Are you still taking stuff?

yeah, I’ve been a bit caught up in the Bionicle Legacy project, but the contest hasn’t been cancelled or closed

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I just made my moc a bit smaller is it still ok to post?

did you already share it with me? I’m sorry if you did, I’ve just been a bit busy lately, so I tend to forget things easily. If you’re just curious about if a somewhat smaller MOC (though ideally not something like inika sized) is ok, thats fine. It just needs to comply with the rules.

Dang he would have been perfect😭