SuperHero/Villain Simulator

In this game one person needs to create a super hero that has a specific power to combat a villain that you also create for example.

Villain 1: Pinky Twister
A man that can stretch his right pinky finger and use it to trap/attack people.

Super Hero 1: Fungus-Man
A guy that ate a mutated mushroom in a salad at Subway and subsequently got powers to make anyone have a nail fungus problem.

In this topic we accept the most RIDICOULUS post.

Villian 2: The Critic
He has the power to make everyone cry.


Superhero: Dry-Man. Has the ability to dry any liquid he wishes.

Villain: Peanut-Man, who gives peanuts to anyone who is allergic to them.


SuperHero: Xman
Has the power of convincing people that he is better than Mansplation because he can scan people using his Kinect fingers.

Villain: Mansplation
Has the power of straight up making people think that he is better than Xman because he is the Mansplation pro G4.

Superhero: Allergy shot man: Gives allergy shots to people who are having an allergic reaction

Villain: Edgimus: Super edgy so that merely touching him will cut you. He wields a giant edgy sword.


Hero: Paper-Face: Have the power to transform everything in paper.
Villain: Lego: He make cons in Lego sets.


SuperHero: Always Right Man: Is always right about everything, whether anyone agrees with him or not. Like me. He doesnā€™t have many friends.

Villain: Dr. Inna Pickle: A nasty villain who always puts the wrong condiments on your meals, like fish heads on pizza or chicken gizzard on filet mignon.

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Hero: baribe man-someone who can create Baribe dolls out of thin air.

Villain: Ketchup man: someone who squirts Ketchup in peopleā€™s faces in an attempt to make them stop using mustard. Is Barbie manā€™s arch nemesis.

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Hero Heroine: Ms. Red Nā€™ Blu Pins- she had the power of throwing multi-color pins and axle to evildoers!

Villain Villainess: The Mad Brick- she used her evil power of dropping bricks to anybody that step on.

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Put an ā€œeā€ at the end there buddy, or youā€™re talking about drugs.


Hero: The Swift: Magically patches, bonds, seals, and repairs anything and everything cracked, cut, sawed in half, or shot through with a cannon. Utterly invincible and is only on-par with Chuck Norris.

Villain: Reel Life: If you ever mess up in life, or do something hilariously stupid, Reel Life will have filmed it, and will hunt you down just to show you that one time you called the waitress ā€˜momā€™.