Swag bought Jango Fett

I went to Glendale today and bought Jango Fett for his delicious parts. Might as well review this sucker anyways.

This is set number 75107. He has arms, legs, and a reason to live.

Here are his legs. They have a brown holster for his blasters. His legs include the new leg armor piece. That thing is super sleek. There’s also a size 9 sand blue CCBS piece. One thing I don’t get is why his thighs are longer than his shins… There isn’t any back coverage behind the shins, too.

Here’s his torso. It has the SW torso piece, and it’s a big chunk of plastic, let me tell you. The head is nice, though.

His back coverage is bad. As you can see, there’s this gap. Self- explanatory.

The jetpack… I think (I’m not too much into Star Wars). It has a flick fire missile function. Good for the kids.

His arms. He holds 2 blasters, one for each arm. It’s good that there’s a 5 long sand blue CCBS shell and that new armor. It’s sooo gooooooooooodddddddddd. One thing is that his shoulder armor will keep popping off when posing them.

Height comparison with the Skull Kid and his Pinwheel of Doom. This dude’s tall. I was surprised when I saw him and the rest of the gang at the Lego Store.

Thanks for taking a look at my horrible camera quality photos! What do I rate this set?
7/10 (no water)


Pretty Fantasti-cool™ review! Very well done indeed, I actually didn’t know he was that tall.

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This may actually make me buy this figure.

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Sounds like a horror movie parody title. :stuck_out_tongue: