Swag's Pointless Art Topic About... Things

Miru + Dan = Mirdan.


Not really, it’s a name I thought of long ago.

Speaking of names, your username sounds awfully similar to mine.

did you copy me

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No, I’ve been around longer than you. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I’m new to the boards. My youtube channel is older. (I hope)

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He looks like a Chivalrous knight @SwagMeister how bout the Mask of Danmation

When he Defeats someone Honourably he obtains part of their soul giving him the strengths of the Toa he defeated e.g obtaining Mask powers or the Discipline of the Toa
But will last only a day until its returned

And if he Defeats something evil such as a Makuta he will have their soul Permanatley until he is knocked out then the soul will leave him and will return to the body it came from unless the body’s been destroyed

It’s 10 PM, I lost my brainjuice, let’s talk.

I am basically 100% done with Keliku, the Uniter of Flames. Now I need his darn creature. Too bad I suck at drawing g2 Ussal Crabs with the creature heads (holy crap it looks creepy on a crab). This guy’s got a large staff, one end with an axe and the other end with his sword from last time. Yup, I was that lazy.

I haven’t drawn pre-death Skull Slicer yet, although I do have the basis drawn out. By basis, I mean something like this:
Anyhow, I imagine him having 4 arms still with a protector mask. He’s green, he’s mean, he’s spiderman- I mean green gablons.

I dunno wat to choose 4 the winnar. I might just accept requests, which I’ll be happy to do.


Very nice!

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That looks really cool, and it does kind of give off that mayan vibe G2’s aesthetics carry. If there weren’t as much spikes coming up the sides it’d look great.

How about the Mask of Resilience?
Allows the user to endure any amount of pain, meaning they won’t ever lose motivation or give in until their body physically cannot go on.

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gasps with joy
can you do me can you do me can you do me can you do me can you do me

If you accept this request, I’ll clarify what I want. :stuck_out_tongue:

im just too lazy to type because its freakin 12:00 where I am right now

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Sure, I already made it


Okay, please describe the object you would like to me to Swagify.


I loved your work on your previous G2 drawings and I can’t wait what Tawa would look like in this style! Thank you for accepting my request! :wink:

(yeah my MOCing sucks, and those upper legs are trans-blue, they are blocked by the arms and the sword)

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can u liek uuhhh
have this dudel in a standing pose ples?



censored word

I took him apart months ago
just try to work with it

chestplate is brain attack armor with blue “core” like thingy
upper legs are trans-blue, they are blocked with the arms and the sword
wings are in same position in standing position
shoulderpads are furno breakout arm thing in silver, as shown in the MOC, just for clarification

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These are great. Yet another art topic showing up my work. Anyways here’s an idea for the mask; Kanohi Coranth Mask of Elements. The user can draw power from and use any element around them i.e. if they are underground Earth powers. Jungle means they get the powers of The Green.


Well… hi.

I have put a page in my notebook specifically for dank idiocy. So far…

-wake me up inside meme
-fail slurm
-an akaku
-bingsak saying dank
-vakama being butthurt
-internal screaming

It’s gonna be a frikin masterpiece I tell ya


any progress on my drawing request so far?

Yeah, I know I’m impatient. I just can’t help it. :stuck_out_tongue:

I have the frame right now. I’ve got a lot of school work so I didn’t have time to work on it.

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I understand. :wink:
I have a lot of school work/projects too…and I even have a big exam tommor-

shoot I should be studying right now