Tahtorak's 30,000 Celebration ( Give Away)

It’s been six years since I made my own instructions for the Tahtorak and uploaded it now Brickshelf. Recently my instructions have reached 30,000 hits which I’m very excited about.

Sadly at this time I’m also going to have to go on Hiatus, since I’ll soon be going to somewhere with no internet. (I’m already 3 podcasts behind) So this is also goodbye for now. or for like a month or so Someday I might get to using my Mctoran army, draw a picture of @Nyran as Mercurymon, and other stuff…

So for this for this Celebration and farewell I’ll be doing a Give Away. :smile:

I still have Lewa’s Nuva Symbol and a Makoki stone pendant that I’ll be giving away. To sign up for the give away, just comment below and there will be a drawing at the end of this week.



How long will your hiatus be?

maybe a month or more


Well that’s not so bad! Good to tell everyone where you’re going, though!

Gonna miss you man, I hope you come back soon!

Gonna be weird not having you here.

see you later gator

Take care man, never really talked to you before but your instructions are epic

It’s going to be weird not being here too.

@Triple @JJBussey Thx

so long


See you at your return


Month without internet sounds like torture

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I wish to claim praises to your work.

If only we would have been able to seen your self moc before you left also good luck with no internet for a month

What’s that Nuva symbol made of? I can’t really tell; it looks nice nonetheless.

And hey, congrats on the 30,000 hits!

Plastic (plastic = Protodermis)

Here’s some Mocs I never got around to posting:






Thanks! Those instructions were greatly appreciated! Here’s what I have so far… That Lewa Nuva Symbol tho


those mocs look awesome

looks great man

In a few hours I’ll be drawing the winners:

…so far we have:
1 @Lord_Tuma
2 @Triple
3 @Baldric
4 @JMP
5 @JJBussey
6 @northernphantom
7 @Booster_Fett
8 @Looch
9 @Cyclopian
10 @Kobondo
11 @Tab
12 @ToaTupac
13 @Atomik