Tahu Nuva, but he’s Captain America

Hello people! I’m back, with another moc! This is my potential entry into the Bio-Cup. I watched the most recent bus episode, all about the theme of the Bio-Cup and I came up with an idea. This idea actually went through a couple different iterations. At first it was just going to be Tahu but as a vigilante. However, I knew the color scheme had to have red (because it’s Tahu) and white (because I only had a white Hau Nuva), and then I jokingly was like “I could do red white and blue, for the colors of America”. And then I remembered Captain America was a thing, and so, here he is, Tahu Nuva, but he’s Captain America!

Oh yeah, the reason it’s only a potential entry is because I wanted to get a few opinions outside of my family as well as the fact that I would need to make a Flickr account and try to figure out how to work the website, which I can totally do, I just haven’t yet, and I’m not sure if I will. We’ll see. Anyways, what do you guys think? Should I enter it? Oh yeah, and as always, comments and criticisms appreciated, thanks, bye!!!


Real shame you don’t have the official Captain America shield, that would sell it a lot better. Have you tried building a star to go on the shield? Also personally I think the colours could be played around with more, if possible add some system to make the stripes on the belly? The biggest thing is probably that the dark red is just too dark. Still good colour blocking in the boots, neat details around the neck and solid idea overall. Good luck fellow competitor!


Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that, if I enter this I will buy one of the big Captain America shields. Thanks for the feedback. Also, about the strives on his stomach, I assume you meant to use system pieces to replace the ones that are already there, correct?

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I like him if you are gonna enter him with the official shield better buy it asap cause round lasting until 8th June

*Theme music intensifies *