Tahu Nuva

This was a colab with my good friend, @ aatllaas on instagram, she colored my linework. Check out her stuff!

C&C is always welcome and appreciated!


It’s a little upsetting to see that Tahu has such intricacy for every detail and the lava is just a big, flat plane. A secondary colour in some specific spots like circles slightly contorted to match the curve might’ve improved it, but it just looks like he’s surfin’ on the fanta sea, so you know it ain’t real life.

Linework is very good, so is the colouring (although the limbs look weird with the lighter portions being a pinch too white). The head is a fair bit small on the body, but that was probably due to fosucing in actual human proportions which would work in most cases, but this is a Broccoli man we’re talking about. Nice work, from both of you!


It looks really good! Perspective is well done, proportions are good…
I think that the only thing that bothers me is that Tahu’s feet are a little close together. But other than that, this is awesome!

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Neat artwork. Like Ghid said, really good linework. I especialy like the parts where you departed from the set design, I even think you could have gone further with it as the set torso feel a little blocky here. But anyways, keep up the good job!


This is clean! well done!

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Perhaps the cleverest pun I’ll ever read.

But in all seriousness, I actually kind of like the simplicity of it. Maybe a few abstract black spots here and there, but the focal point of the image is Tahu and I like that it’s heavily styllized.

And the linework, both in design and execution, is very good. Well done!

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