Takanuva Revamp

So lately I’ve been working on a revamp of Takanuva in my favorite toa style the metru build its not done yet and I plane to swape a few parts

I’ve been trying to use more system in my build lately as well make him as durable as I can for play pls let me know what you guys think


Looking as great as ever! I’ve really enjoyed seeing him come together :slight_smile:


Are the silver pieces in his pelvis included in the number of ones you were going to swap?


I think removing the silver in certain areas and replacing it with white would be nice. Keeps the color scheme cleaner. I like the filling-in you’ve done, makes him look less like a stick figure.

Also, is that a toilet in the background…


Overall, the build looks really nice; you can’t go wrong with a Metru build.

It would be nice if the shades of gold could match, though I’m not sure what your part selection is like.

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i think im gonna keep the silver