So, we know that Takanuva’s destiny was to play a crucial role in the Great Beings civil war, but what do you think was his specific destiny? was he going to die? Was he supposed to negotiate between the two sides of the war?
Are we talking about the Core War? Because Takanuva didn’t exist during the Core War. Unless there is some timeline I don’t know about, I don’t remember there being a Great Being Civil War.
That’s the thing, there was no Great Being Civil War in the canon. Takanuva’s involvement in a civil war was a plan for future story, I guess. Maybe if Bionicle comes back, they will tell us the tale…
As for what his specific destiny was going to be, I have no idea.
I wonder what the set would look like! Takanuva has always been my favourite character, and I like that Greg had more plans for him.
Most likely he would’ve been a negotiator or a general of an army or something.
Well, do also bear in mind that Takanuva’s destiny would have to involve the Avohkii somehow. No other Matoran has ever turned into a Toa via a Kanohi before, and something that unorthadox has to have a reason behind it.
would make sense, but I’m not sure how that would work.
I say his role was to bring peace n’ balance to the two sides so the war wont turn into something really big. How would he bring balance? it probably depends on what the two sides are fighting about. With little info its hard to tell the exact cause. However the war starts Takanuva would most likely be neutral and try to convince both sides that going into a long term civil war would be dangerous to everyone. That’s my best guess.
Maybe the dark part of him would take over and he would do a Michael Bay optimus: kill EVERYTHING AND PERSON!!! but, he would couldve just been a sacrificial lamb, leading to a third faction of toa and matoran who wanted the great brings gone or dead for killing takanuva
Maybe the Avohkii’s power of bringing understanding and peace to other beings helps settle the civil war?
Biggest necropost ever