It’s not too expensive maybe a little less then 20$ if you’re thinking of getting it. But for me it cost a lot more since I was the one who made the items and put them on sale. I can’t think of an exact number of the top of my head
Here’s a list for making a Toa mata, I don’t know how much the armor is for nuva.
Gear- 145 each
Masks- 85 each
“Shirts and pants”-10 (recolorable)
Robot Character- 175
Say will the Takanuva skin get updated later on with more details? I ask because it would be cool if there were multiple skins of Takanuva.
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Your friend made this right? Do you think you could tell your friend to update the skin to be more polished to show the shine that gold metals have?
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well all he could do is try make the 2d clothing have more details other then than you cant really make it become more shiny thats more of a lighting shading thing from the world itself (which can very deppending on the instance your in) other then that your pretty limited