the land of Roblox is such a wonderful and mysteries place for any chronicler or toa alike, especially for are hero Takanuva. Behold a tale of one of his great adventures exploring this strange new universe
He first travels to this new realm questioning and getting used to his environment
A little bit later he is now some how in the belly of a large creature
through a narrow escape he ends up finding himself in a new strange place
Luckly he made a new friend who helps him leave this odd dimension
After that he arrives on a ship and after finding a lab figures he could try doing some chemistry with some weird looking blue crystals
Takanuva then finds his old friend Tahu abord the same ship
It was short lived due to a meltdown which caused the ship to explode but thankfully the two got out through a weird looking canister that launched them through space. The canister landed on another planet. After the whole ordeal Takanuva realized he should get a job to earn some widgets.
after a long adventure he would rest at some under water aquarium
hope you guys enjoyed this little adventure with Takanuva’s travels across the multiverse let me know if y’all want a part 2 : )