Ghid watching the weekend slowly slip away with Togav going cold once again
DW I’m just trying to think. Can’t have quality slip if you’re advertising it to @Axelford lmao
Wait, y- I didn’t realize we were supposed to think when coming up with posts
have I been doing it wrong this whole time
Well. Teehee. Looks like I beat Ghid to it.
I just dropped the worst thing that has ever graced the Togav RP topic. I know Ghid has been waiting for this one for a while, so you’re welcome I guess.
Decided to flesh out Wohlford lore a tiny bit that way and also do a little tie in with Ghid’s latest Togav short story Cost and Effect
If I had a nickel for every time a Togav character had a traumatic experience in a dream, I would have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice
also #WinterPostInTogav #N01PostInTogav #AtobePostInTogav
Scratch that. This a good dream sequence, and from a reader’s perspective, this gives us insight to a new character we have yet to fully understand.
It’s a better dream sequence than what I’d write (my dreams are discombobulated messes irl).
It wouldn’t be a NOTaHFfan post without broken English and endless typos
Same lol. I wish I had cohesive dreams, so this post is probably me projecting
Although I did try my best to make this dream sequence as cryptic as I could. It depicts an event that never happened, features funny foreshadowing and poor attempts at metaphors, etc.
Edit: it’s been a month since the last interaction in Togav. My addiction is not being fulfilled
Sorry everyone. Been a lil out of it lately
My concept of time seems to be a bit messed up at the moment.
This is literally me (and nota) rn
@Atobe_Brick @N01InParticular @Rukah Togav is real guys please come back
I will attempt to get a post out today after I finish fighting the irs
Nota trying to resist his urge to post (he is definitely not going insane in PMs)
Making Ari fall asleep in a way that only an intervention from Dolphus can wake her up was a mistake
But he’s almost there, I must wait a little longer
Aight I guess I’ll post, I prefer to wait till a few more people have posted, but I don’t wanna leave you in further limbo.
oh look at that… Out of milk
Guys, we are so back
Ari when the apple isn’t appling
Curious to see if there’ll be a time jump once Ari and Dolphus get reintroduced to the crew
Dear god I severely underestimated how much reading I needed to do to catch up
I believe in you