Tales of Glory and Valour: the Seafarers Main RP Topic

Three months later, Rook replies.

“Oh yes, the feeling of unceasing forward movement. Wreched memories of wreched times left behind to drown in the under the crashing waves of the great blue. It invigorates me.”

Excellent response Rooky ol’ boy!
Aye, but I couldn’t have done it without you, Rook!

For the next moment, Rook was captivated by the comically pathetic scene playing out before him, that was Dolphus attempting to take a single step, immediatley crumpling to the floor in agony, and then promptly being taken away for medical aid.

He turns to Alexis again, silently, but meeting her eye, and gives her a look that is all too telling. If we aren’t due for a miracle, we’re due for a watery grave. With that, he heads down the stairs to the lower deck to get breakfast, dissolving into the darkness below.