Tales of Glory and Valour: the Seafarers Main RP Topic

Caeseus couldn’t help it. He stepped forward angrily. “My crew.” He spoke crisply, drawing attention to himself. “Have conducted repairs that would normally take days in a single morning. They may not be trained shipwrights, but they’ve accomplished more than any other crew could have given the situation. I believe they’re due a little respect for their efforts.”

He gazed defiantly up at Ari as he said this, standing his ground with his shoulders set. “If you have something to offer, offer it quickly. However, I will not take continued slights on the workmanship of my sailors.”

He looked as if he was about to walk away, but he paused. “Now, I came here to deliver a report on the repairs.” He shot another contemptuous glance at Ari, before he continued. “We have removed the damaged material, and replaced it with what could be salvaged from the wreck. As well as a little from our own reserve store. Tharos of course, was able to assist in procuring a new mast, although we will still be one sail short.”

This time he sent a look Mako’s way.

“The keel is a different matter, my crew have made the hull good as new, minus cosmetic reasons. The keel we could only sister back together with the skill we have on hand however. Perhaps, if this real shipwright would like to prove their worth, they could start by joining a new piece in. For someone with training it should be a laughable matter.”

He smiled internally, though h kept his face straight. He knew as well as anyone, even for skilled tradesmen, joinery was tricky work. Especially for such important pieces. The tolerances were incredibly tight.