Tales of Glory and Valour: the Seafarers Main RP Topic

Dolphus’ pupils increased in diameter in real time.

Being a Gorov was, at least for him, never about direct participation in the machinations of his father, instead being instructed by each instance of his dealings on how to be utterly cruel and uncaring. It ran in his blood; all it needed was refining to make him just as bad as the rest.

But now Ari presented the notion that his heart, the witness to so much wickedness and manipulative misdeeds, was not twisted by the vile and contemptible notions that had shaped his psyche. That deep down, there was some good still present in his intent.

Of course, he had never assumed himself to be lost by any means, or even once considered that all his actions and motivations were driven by impure and selfish reasons. But it was still another thing entirely, in spite of how much he already knew, to have someone who genuinely cared for him make such an affirmation, and even the densest mollusk on the sea floor could tell by his expression the impact her words made on him.

Besides, only one other person had made such a claim about his heart.If y’all don’t know who, bruh

It was less Ari’s words that calmed his mind, or her comforting touch which caused his ribcage to still, but the heart in her chest which seemed to reach through her fingers and spoke directly to his. He blinked his eyes and forced out a sharp nod, swallowing down the urge to cry further. I have to be strong. I have to be strong now.

As she visibly relaxed and rearranged the spiky growth coming off her head into a more presentable form, Dolphus smeared his hand over his eyes to wipe away any remnants of tears. Alexis was going to be there; he had to remain as presentable as possible.

What else… He ran his hand through his hair to make sure it was reasonable. He could feel the weight of his sword; how he ever managed to fall asleep with it still attached was beyond him.

Sword. He glanced down at it. Shoot. It’s been in the sea twice now; I have to start polishing the blade again or it’s going to rust. If the swordmaster was here right now he’d slap the light out of me. How could I be so careless with-

Dolphus looked up at her, both hands over her hair as she adjusted the oversized sail strap-

Hairband, which restrained the fiery might of her crimson scalp carpet. “Uhh… I don’t think there’s-”

“Oh-!” He jolted, walking around Ari and picking up the notebook and quill which Devan had given him. I’ll have to drop these off in my cabin before I head to the chart deck; don’t want anyone happening to…

It wasn’t worth the effort. And yet, he desperately wanted to feel it again.

His wing was halfway unfolded, waiting for him to place the notebook and quill inside it. But instead he stood, staring at the soft grey feathers - they hadn’t seemed very soft before, but they did now - trying to recall what he had felt only a few minutes ago.

I wish I was still asleep. That… That she was still there. That I could feel through it again. Is this what it’s meant to be like?

He ran a finger through the feathers close to the elbow joint. It made the hair on the back of his neck suddenly stand on end. Hurriedly, he ended the overdrawn silence by blurting out “I’m good let’s go” and shoving both notebook and quill inside the bend of his wing and the whole thing back under his cape.

I really hope she wasn’t looking at me.

Or isn’t now.

Why does she have to be so tall all the time?