Tales of Glory and Valour: the Seafarers Main RP Topic

In a quick and deft motion, Dolphus flipped the cane in his hand, then slowly used the handle end to hook the shore boat and gently bring it closer to the dock. Once practically hugging the stone, Dolphus spun the cane back around and used it to cautiously descend into the boat.

I hate, I absolutely hate little boats like this. Dolphus grimaced as the small vessel wobbled under the sudden weight. Large boats have the decency to not scare the pants off me whenever I slightly step on them, and I prefer it that way.

Having descended and taken a seat at the bow, Dolphus only then realized such a boat had four oars and those oars were so wide apart it required eight arms to utilize. Well I’m not sure what I was thinking, since the boat would need to come back for more passengers… Unless we could fit them all in here?


The boat, was quite large, big enough for 20 armoured adults to sit comfortably. There were 4 oars in total, each meant to be crewed by a seperate individual, as Dolphus entered, the boat slowly rocked less and less, until it seemed to sit almost still in the water, despite the regular ebb and flow.

Mariner looks up at Hethila, “Shall we take a walk?” He starts walking to the end of the pier, away from the group, to allow his conversation some privacy. “Is something the Matter? You seem quiet”

Hethila nods, “It’s nothing. Just that Dolphus fellow, treating me like some scum because I was born with wings” she shrugs. “If he thinks I’m strange wait till he gets to Securis, I swear that continent is another dimension almost”

Mariner notices a slight flutter through the air and reaches his hand out, something light landed in his palm, “Darling you’re shedding, clearly it’s not nothing. Do you need me to rough him up some? I can show him stuff that’d have him running back for his mother. Looooooong before we get to Securis.” He makes an odd clicking sound from behind his Visor.

“No, if anyone is to deal with this it has to be me. While I appreciate your… Chivalry in offering to intimidate a child. I can fight my own battles”

“He’s a child? I thought he was just small. Most people are to me” he shrugs

“most people aren’t seven feet tall Mariner, they’re not short they’re average.”

“ah but we’re going to Legion Territory where they are below average… Maybe he’s just a Small Legion citizen.”

“You are ridiculous” Hethila laughs, “Maybe I should let you swim to your little boat”

“Ship” Mariner mumbles, “It’s a ship”


The hunter carefully stalked its prey. Any moment now, this foul intruder would show it’s head again, and when it did, the hunter would attack.

He’d been stalking this filth since it climbed over the Wale two hours ago now. Any second now, it’ll be time

Tharos sits crouched behind a crate in The Caelin’s Hand. He hears the sound of the hunter, drawing ever closer. He tries to quiet his breathing to avoid detection. What have I gotten myself into he thinks

I’d wager a spot of trouble, why did we do this? The soft voice sounds amused

It wasn’t my idea so don’t look at me the Hard voice sounds mostly annoyed

it wasn’t my idea either guys, so either there’s a third one of you, or none of us have control

If you could quiet down, I must needs be the voice of reason for our host. The soft voice thinks for a moment. I think our best shot is pretending we were hired

The hunter hops lithely onto a crate, There he is tensing up, the Hunter pounces and takes his prey down. Thrashing and screeching they fight, as the hunter goes for the throat.

Tharos looks over the crate at the commotion. What was that?

A vengeful Daemon, or a Sunblessed here to exact vengeance on us says the Hard voice

Or the ship has a cat the soft voice states


Alexis glanced at Nico and Dolphus. Tharwin had given her the responsibility of looking over the two. His choice made sense seeing she was- Is A Caelin. It was pretty much in her job description. “Nico, Why don’t you join me and Dolphus on the ship, figured you’d want to check it out before we set off.” Frankly, she could care less if he knew the layout of the ship before they left, but it would make her job a whole lot easier if everyone she needed to watch over was in the same place for the time being.



Andreas steps over the gunwale and descends into the body of the boat. Slightly dejected, he looks at the oars, and then to the blades stuck to his forearms.

This was his chance to win back his reputation. And yet, the feeling that life would never truly be the same as it was hangs around like dark clouds in the distance.


Dolphus’ head snapped like a whip to face Alexis. The suggestion seemed natural, but it specifically targeted Nico as being the individual she wanted present. Unless she also wanted me and did not need to request my proceeding into the boat due to me already being here? Wait, maybe she needs him to row the boat back and forth. It’s not like I have two arms myself-

Oh. Okay.

Dolphus noticed the melancholy of the burly, possibly uncleanly man now sitting opposite him. Having Nico be the only one to row would be impossible with how far apart the oars were, and Mr. Rook Andreas seems like he’d do a much better job cutting the oars than moving them.

I need to help. Dolphus began to rise- what was he doing? This was the work of a servant, not of a Gorov; his father would be scolding him for even considering the notion. And yet she would need the help. He had to help. He had to.

And then he stopped, looked down, and saw the cape by his side. Nico would be rowing with two arms; he would need to slow considerably to have Dolphus keep up. No, Nico and the other one, Mako, they were the only ones equipped well enough to handle the blunt labor.

Dolphus slowly returned to his seat at the front of the boat, his face clearly displaying his dejection. He couldn’t help her now. Already his impairment had made him fail her, and they weren’t even on board.


Mariner looks over, and immediately spotted the problem, “Ah right, hold on, I’ve got to do the thing” He walks back over to the boat, kicks the side and calls in a loud voice “Oarsman we have need of you”

appearing at each of the rowing benches suddenly, are 4 semi transparent figures. They are dressed in red and gold armour. On their heads are helmets with the tops swept back to resemble flames. These figures look at each other.

“Figures” one mutters “Even in the afterlife I can’t escape you three”

“Why’re you complaining?” Intones a second one “We’re the ones who have to stare at that face the whole time”

The four of them burst out laughing, and place hands on the Oars.

Mariner turns to Alexis and bows. “Your Crew Ma’am”


Nico started momentarily, shifting his attention from the ship out on the water back to the party at hand. He stared blankly at Alexis, and then Dolphus and the sword-handed man (his name …?) After a moment, he seemed to register the predicament.

“Oh. Of course, mademoiselle.” He bowed, slightly, smiled, and began to take a practiced step into the boat, a step so well-balanced that it betrayed every modicum of comfort and experience in such a maneuver.

Comfort was gone. He stumbled, his foot landing hard in the bottom of the boat, hard enough to send the gunwale rocking disturbingly close to the water’s surface. He recomposed himself almost immediately, however, quickly bringing his second foot into the boat in a wide stance, one foot behind the other, arms out, one clutching his cane. He didn’t move until he had completely regained his balance.

“Ah. It seems my … capability is no longer needed.” He was staring at the ghostly sailors, but mostly out of resigned interest rather than shock.

What have you gotten yourself into, Markl?

He glances at the Mariner with as withering a look as possible - which was quite a possible thing, with years of practice. What a flirt.

“Yes, captain,” He faces Alexis again, lowering himself into a seat. He laughs a low laugh, not sarcastic or sardonic, but genuinely happy, a light jab. “Your orders?”


This scares the absolute daylights out of Dolphus.

Nervously, he retrieved the cane he launched nearly into the middle of the boat and pushed his sword back into his sheath, having drawn it almost halfway at the sudden appearance of these four fellows on instinct. He didn’t bother smoothing his feathers back down just now; something told him this would be happening again. Why in the world did this have to be a thing? Was there any opportunity he could turn back and abandon the entire thing?

No, she was here. He couldn’t give her up; nothing could cause him to give her up - not after searching for so long. But, as Dolphus closed his eyes and forced himself to breathe, he did have some mental comments on the scenario.


He exhaled, and opened his eyes while trying to resume his mask.

A bit of a dangerous glance just then - it was likely Nico missed it.

Be careful, Nico. He resumed his mask, subtly watching for how she would react.


Mariner makes the odd clicking noise again, “Oh I’m not the Captain, merely an advisor to the Captain, I assumed it was her”

“What’s with them?” Asks the first ghost

“City folk” says the second one with a chuckle, “always surprised by such Mundane things”


Alexis returns the bow, less as a sign of respect and more to return the joke. “Thank you, kind sir.” Apparently, the name Caelin’s Hand was becoming less a description of the ship and more a description of how it functioned, the thought caused her to let out a slight chuckle.

Alexis turned her attention to Nico. “Not quite sure I’m the captain, I guess I double as the helmsman and Cae-“ Alexis stopped short

“How are you an advisor to the captain and not know- Y’know what Never mind. If it comes down to it we can ask Tharwin when he comes down to bless the ship." She shrugged and stepped into the boat and faced the ghost crew. “If Mariner isn’t joining us we’d like to take a look at our new ship.”


“Oh no, I’m coming, but you have the Conn, that makes you functionally the Captain” Mariner shrugs, “Besides, I’ll have other important matters to attend to from time to time”

“Speaking of, that priest he was supposed to send is late”


It turned out Dolphus had enough murderous glares to share with the whole ghost crew. This level of generosity was unprecedented in a Gorov.

And just like that, the bad mood was ruined. She’s the captain now? Is that how that works? Just by being helmsman? And what is Count Coal going to think about all this, having been a captain himself, and now being demoted?

And now she was here, and now the stupid ghost magic pirates seemed somehow tolerable in spite of everything that was occurring. I do hope we get sailing soon; I’m sick of this port and this city. I’ve barely been back on land, but already I miss the openness of the sea and the lack of morons.


Although somehow I feel I won’t be losing those.

“Might we inspect the ship first and return for the christening?”


Mariner waves him onwards, “Be my guest, but what’s a Christening?”

“Oarsman, ready! Make off!” The 4 oarsmen began to row, moving at a speed which would exhaust a Normal crew within Minutes. They kept at it though, the trip was only half as long as it should have been.


Dolphus watched the figures of Helthia and Mariner- that wasn’t his real name, was it? Tharwin had mentioned the name Caeseus. Well, perhaps it was best to pocket that information, since nobody else seemed to remember it.

“Why wasn’t the ship simply brought to port?” Dolphus asked, knowing full well that nobody on board the boat knew the answer to that. “This whole procedure seems extremely inefficient.”


“Too big, this port can’t accommodate her” one of the Oarsmen said, chuckling, “And of course the nature of the mission makes this port the only option”


Dolphus jolted again. Getting used to these four being actual people who were observing the goings-on was a difficult thing to comprehend. I have a vague feeling ‘the nature of the mission’ is going to be repeated quite frequently as an excuse for oversights and things that could otherwise be explained with little effort.

Something grey suddenly shot out past Dolphus. It was small and extremely light, and zipped by so quickly it was likely nobody else there would have the time to notice it - except maybe Rook, seated at the reat of the boat, as the object came right at him and zipped past his head.

It was a feather.

Dolphus pulled his cape tighter. Don’t tell me I’m SHEDDING already.


Andreas’s expression had shifted from downcast to scornful in a matter of seconds. He glares at Alexis, hoping that she’d turn her head just right and make eye contact with him. She doesn’t. How unfortunate. The absolute ---- THE ABSOLUTE BRAT. Aha. That was it wasn’t it? She wasn’t even taking the job seriously. Plus, he saw the way the boy looked at her; he wanted to mingle with his own kind…

He had figured it all out.

Rook sees it, indeed, but he thinks nothing of it.

He turns his body to face outward, and looks at his reflection in the water. His brooding eyes stare back. No use in confronting them now…but the moment any of these bozos mess up… they’re gonna get it alright.


“Mariner,where can i acquire supplies to catch all manner of prey in the ocean.?”
Mako asked his eyes observing the ghostly oarsmen in front of him,as well as the chaos in front of him. Sea God help me…


“Well I don’t know about all but there is a Fishing supply store just 10 minutes from here.” He tells him where it is


Dolphus observed Rook’s actions, including his glare and looking down at the water, but the meaning could not be deciphered. What did she do to him? Perhaps he is simply as grouchy and irritable as he looks? I should try not to irritate him.

The rowing began to slow, and Dolphus turned around just in time to jump at the sudden appearance of the hull of The Caelin’s Hand not too far from his head. The journey there seemed to have been remarkably short; perhaps being a dead magic ghost had certain advantages for physical endurance?

No go. When I die, I’m not getting conjured up as a magic slave. Not happening.

Because I HATE magic.