Team Fortress 2

Hi there!

Any Team Fortress 2 players out there? If you so:

-Whats your favorite class?.. (Mine is Demoman)
-Favorite weapon?..(Scottish Resistance)
-Favorite hat?.. (Razor Cut)
-Total hours played? …(As of 21/07/14 1697 hours)
-Found any unusual hats? …(not yet…)
-What servers you go on? …(Valve servers Skial suckz)
-Completed any MvM tours? …(2 tours: Operation Oil Spill and Two Cities)

If anyone wants to play some time you can add me on Steam.


I haven’t played it in years, but when I did I either used Heavy or Spy. I didn’t get into the whole weapon/hat culture, though. MvM was cool.

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Yeah, I play quite frequently. I usually go on private servers mainly Turbine. I have many an hour on that game…


As of the time of writing I only have 7 hours logged. I’m not really an avid TF2 user, but it is fun.

My favorite classes are the Soldier and Scout.

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I too know the allure of Turbine. About 50 of my TF2 hours were spent in that blasted map. These days I don’t play it all that much, I lost interest.

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I haven’t played TF2 since last Halloween, but most of the time I was playing Attack/Defend on Mountain Base. My most used classes are Engineer, Demoman, Pyro and Soldier in that order.

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My favourite class is the Pyro, mostly because it requires 0% aim and does massive amounts of damage.

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I play fairly often…
I like playing as spy but I’m absolutely awful at it :frowning:

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I play a lot normally, even when I have one of my servers up.

I like playing as Pyro, and I like playing Mann vs Machine the most.

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I’m finding myself playing it increasingly often. It’s starting to get addicting, even though I’m a noob at it.

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I play about twice every week, but I’m fairly new to the game. I like playing as Engie because sentries are much fun. :slight_smile:

als0 my fav0r8 hat is ghostly gibus cause it shows your n0 n00b


oh yes

I love Team Fortress 2. Once I first got it (which was around 2-ish months ago), I just couldn’t let go of the keyboard (probably literally :P). I haven’t played much these days though, mainly because of schoolwork and Minecraft stuff. I will return to play a few MvM and Payload matches :smile:

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I found an unusual hat once. I didn’t like it and had no use for it so I sold it on the market place because I wanted to buy some games that were on sale.

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I love it, sadly only been playing for 3 years, so I missed out on stuff. I’m more of a MvM player now days though, as I build up my load outs strictly for MvM, with my favourite map being Ghost town (Completed 3 times, still difficult), what I really hate is my friend’s little brother and his lack of understanding when we plays with us, with 2fort as my favourite map, and probably my most played for competitive.

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2fort is da bomb

i love playing engie on that map, sneaking across enemy lines to deliver a level 3 sentry in the middle of their base. good times…


Set up a Teleporter to the enemy intelligence, Dispenser in the sewer, Main Sentry in their Intelligence room, or Mini Sentry on bridge roof.

Man, We should do an Engie Team up sometime.

Or, As Demo, Stick bomb the entries to the main intelligence room , then boom.


dood. give me your steam

lets do this

cept maybe not today, i’ll see how it goes.


Just search up BeefJStag. It’s also on my profile.




TF2! its great

(there, now can’t be marked as spam)


Good Job.

When Engie, do you have the Wrangler? It really helps, but it means you lack a pistol.

But buffs your sentry, gives it a shield and lets you control it.

Mind you, I have not played TF2 in at least 3 months, but I still remember controls and stuff.

I just lack my normal skills.