Tell Me About Your Dreams

this is what you get for not playing the no good game

also it would benefit me if you stopped sneaking into my subconscious casino during the night


In my dream me and @Monopoly were on spider-man’s roof, which was a gross looking all concrete building, when Monopoly dropped two mini dvd/cd’s and we then ran down the (concrete) stairs into the unlit building.

We passed one or two floors until we got to the bottom, there was a giant cabinet (lots of layers of glass on top of each other) filled with miniature hello kitty figures on every layer. we saw the dvd/cd’s and Monopoly picked them up. he then gave me a bin bag and we started scraping all the figures into it. when we were nearly done, we heard spider-man land on the roof. we finish stealing the hello kittys and run out the door (a hole in the concrete wall).


I can confirm that all of this actually happened and she is only trying to cover up her theft of spider-man’s entire collection of hello kitty figurines


So this dream began with me sitting round a dining table with my grandma (who had an eyeball in her mouth, i don’t know if she was eating one or it was just growing there) who was discussing a “Swedish gender debate” with my mother, who seemed to agree with her. Then, they said i should go visit my friend in Spain, which is strange seeing as i’ve never been to Spain and i have no friends there. After this, i got in a car with my mother and we went to see the friend in Spain. We stopped at a large shopping center with a statue of an off-brand Stitch on its roof. We went inside, and i took a selfie of myself standing in front of a giant carrot.

Then, the dream shifted focus to some workers on what looked like an oil rig, except they were mining gas, apparently. A politician-looking guy (Zork?) said that he was going to give them all a “free C-E-13”. This made the workers start screaming with joy, leaking the gas they’d been mining all over the place. Then someone picked up a flaming hammer and threw it into the fog, killing everyone.

Next, the dream showed all these CGI baby dolls, who were standing on a CGI street with some Mad max-looking dudes, who were also CGI. Then, someone who looked like Doomguy appeared and started shooting them with home-made weapons (in the dream they looked like they were made out of frying pans and electrical equipment.) He apparently knew which baby dolls were evil because they couldn’t count to 9. Then a guy who looked like Shaggy appeared and did some sort of dance with a doll who looked particularly like The Boss Baby, before he squirted ketchup into a zipper that was floating in mid-air.

Shaggy then woke up, (apparently he had been unconscious) and cried out “Aw man, I lost my armour!” Seeming to imply he was Doomguy, before someone who looked like Ben 10 (but slimier) said “haha, i have your child!” before running away. Shaggy took off in hot pursuit, but Ben 10 crashed into a sign and died.

Finally, the dream showed the border where the town the friend in Spain lived, and some wild west town. Spongebob was there, who said “I’ll just call a cab!” before the dream finally ended with neither me, Zork, those workers, Doomguy/shaggy, or Spongebob ever meeting the friend in Spain.


Zork’s unconscious mind is identical to a story-writing AI


I dreamed that Sizzle the Doomhound was chasing @Racie02 , and every time she killed it, it would reappear. This repeated until I woke up.


I just had a dream that there was a Sainsbury’s-branded transformer figure

His name was Pete Plumsberry and he transformed from a self-serve checkout into a chunky robot with the head of a human cashier. All the buttons from the card reader ended up on his chest, and when you pressed each one he would say a different phrase:

  • “Insert cash”
  • “Select payment type”
  • “My name is Pete Plumsberry”
  • “Unexpected item in bagging area”

There were definitely quite a few more but I can’t remember them. Also he was very clearly not sporting the Sainsbury’s colour scheme of orange and dark red, he was more dark green and dark tan, which is more the Morrisons colour scheme than anything. Still, his tfwiki article claimed he was a Sainsbury’s product, so I guess that’s what we’re going with.


That’s actually a great idea for a product!

I dreamed that I choked to death on pasta primavera made from ever-inflating cheese.




guys i dreamed about my cat what is wrong with you


What happened in the cat dream


I dreamed about the Cat in The hat
I distinctly remember saying “Let’s cat this hat wide open” and nothing else


Did it only happen once or multiple times


“Welcome to Watch Mojo where we will be counting down the Top 10 kill lines…coming in at number 3 we have the iconic Transformers character, Pete Plumsbury, the ruthless leader of the shopacons, he…”

Can we see floof creature in pet topic??? :pleading_face:


I had a dream where there was this weird easter egg in hollow knight, there was a 1 in 1000 chance that instead of fighting the final boss, you would fight some giant monkey
the monkey was in a completely different artstyle and looked nothing like any other characters

It became a popular thing for speedrunners to try and encounter the monkey within a short time and defeat it


maybe that dream was based off the menderbug?


alright so I just had one of my most bizarre dreams yet

I can’t remember much of the plot but I know it featured three lizard girls, the Playmobil Top Agents, some Knight’s Kingdom guys, ‘Francis of France’ and, uh, ‘Pete’.

All of them were just screwing around in this massive forest trying to escape some vague, ill-defined threat.

The lizard girls were all dressed like they came out of the early 19th century and for whatever reason Danju (purple Knight’s Kingdom man) had a wide array of superpowers like enhanced speed and strength, and, most notably, the ability to jump ridiculously large distances. None of the other knights had such powers, and as a result all the women were fawning over him as he bounced along like a demented kangaroo. He did not reciprocate such feelings, as he was apparently already in a relationship with ‘Francis of France’, who appeared to be some kind of French nobleman.

How the Playmobil Top Agents tied into any of this was extremely unclear, but as far as I can tell they had communications links with several party members, notably Danju and Pete, and were giving them directions to escape the forest. However, they were a bit preoccupied as they were also having to deal with a bunch of criminals who had broken out of a cell in the local police station and were now invading their base of operations.

As far as I can recall, the party had been split into several groups of four, although I can’t remember what most of the groups were. I know the lizard girls (one of which was allegedly a princess) were going about with Pete, who they later ditched. Meanwhile, Danju was going around with Francis and two generic chaps who got killed early on. There was also a fourth lizard girl, who was not dressed in early 19th century attire and was instead a thief acting entirely independently of the main party. At one point she attempted to sneak up on the other lizards, but they caught her immediately, and attempted to interrogate her. Danju, meanwhile, was carrying Francis in his arms and bounding about as the nebulous threat came ever closer.

I woke up before the story could reach a proper conclusion, but oh well.


I had a dream thew other night about a new episode of Dr Who with King Charles as a guest star

The episode began with The Doctor (who wasn’t any current incarnation, but rather some different actor who looked like David Mitchell), a Nun, and an unnamed companion in a misty, broken-down laboratory or something, apparently having been captured by the main villain of the episode, a weird glowing creature that looked like the outline of a spindly dragon, who drained brain energy or something, called “Mr Whispering”.
It attempted to drain the brainpower of King Charles, but for some reason siphoning his thoughts incapacitated the creature. This was the end of the episode.


Gotta be something in the water over there


You guys have really strange dreams