I’ve got plenty of that.
I need more of this.
I’ve got plenty of that.
I need more of this.
I have tried to find patience, after years of searching. I can confirm…it does not exist.
Just like your sense of humor…XP
Not my fault you can’t tell any jokes, I ignore them so I don’t clutter my brain with useless trash. XP
@Anaru_LST Well, I intentionally left a bit of green on the mask. But yeah, agreed. It probably could use a bit more.
As someone who owns the actual silver Miru, I can say the silver shades would have probably clashed.
This is really good.
Like, really, really good. He just looks so solid! Nice work! My only complaint would be that the feet seem a bit small, but that’s pretty minor anyways. Great job!
Looks awesome!
It’s a greenish silver, for whatever reason.
@legofan3225 @ouberry Thank you.
“Telluraam, Toa of… tungsten”? why name him after Tellurium, then? I guess that “Tungstaam” would not have the same effect, but still…
Nice moc, though. He looks really solid, and ready to wipe out all entities of fire!
(You can thank me and google translate for the name. XP)
This Moc is Amazing. It kind of looks like my self Moc except a Toa. I give it 10/10
@Klaevin91 Lol, how did I not notice that? Facepalm
@The_Owl Thanks!
Super cool!