Terra Woodsland revamp

The moc is cool but the brown could be used a bit more. Maybe in the legs or feet. Definitely looks like something from the jungle. I’d also make the mask green so there isn’t so much brown in one area on the moc but that’s just me though :3
Edit: Oh, could you take some pics of the weapon by itself? Can’t quite see it in detail with the current pics.

Could do with more brown/burnt orange. Outside of that I really like it.

Some really nice parts usage going on here! I have got to try that leafy-skirt technique at some point.

As others have pointed out, the colours feel a bit inconsistent. I recommend trying to stick to two or three main colours at most. Also, the textures clash a bit in places. You need to be careful when incorporating System elements. Exposed anti-studs (like on the hands and waist) almost never look good.


I think it looks nice, although her chest may be too puffy. Maybe it’s the camera angles.

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Better than anything I could build
but then again, that’s pretty much everything on the boards


when I said I want this topic to be deleted I mean it


The MOC looks alright I mean

personal taste


the varying greens and transgreens sorta hurt. I guess she sorta does look like a girl in nature

relax, it’s all fine and dandy-ish

No reason to start quiting over the controversy of one moc

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my GF changed her mind about having it posted here



I guess


you can request the topic atleast closed/locked or something?



I can flagged it if you want? By the way great MOC.

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I already flagged it 4 hours ago and had it locked but some staff member had to unlock it

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Oh well maybe you can PM @Waj or @Chronicler and ask them to Block it. Or you can just Edit the main post so it doesn’t have Pictures, MOC topics without pictures aren’t allowed (I believe) so it would be closed.

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Closed on Author’s Request.

Edit: Also, @GIF.Man.Ben, remember: flag it, don’t tag it.