Test Type Mecha

So, this was really me testing out a couple different techniques in joints and cockpit placement. I think it came out ok. Also, it seems that whenever I make a dark mech I can’t resist basing it off of Berserk slightly…

C&C welcome, enjoy!


Wow that cockpit is pretty cool


Thanks. It was mostly based off designs I saw on Flickr.

Looks great, but the cockpit is definitely my favorite part. Even if you based it off of other existing works it’s still really cool.

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Nice work here.

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looks nice, but that one arm looks a little out of place.

Great system mechs as always from the great @Omega_Tahu , only problem is the feet seem a bit too thin.

Yeah, it was supposed to look like a hurried slapped on repair or something.

Maybe, they do narrow down to 1 stud in width.

Looks pretty neat.
Though arms are way too thin and do not suit it.

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My personal bias towards canopy chest mechs makes me not like the ‘head’, but the build itself looks pretty solid aside from the skinnier arms and shoulder joints.

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I don’t like the arms, they’re just too thin. I do like the cockpit design though.

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It looks pretty cool
I like the arm design best

I think the arms are fine. This isn’t an actual being but a machine, so not everything has to be completely proportional.


I find the concept of a mech opening from the back for a pilot interesting, namely how it’s presented here. That and the head design, though nothing intricate, is striking to me with how it’s shaped.

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I forgot the name but its claw arm reminds me of that one knightmare from code geass (the red one with the claw hand.). Anyway I love the boxy thin shape; looks like it belongs with the micromanagers in the lego movie.

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that cockpit thoooo

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Not a huge fan of the arms tbh, otherwise pretty cool
cockpit is especially nice

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Yeah, arms don’t fit too well, probably won’t change it for this one, but if I build some more with this frame it’ll probably be different. Thanks!

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