The 5 Masks of Makuta

Just showing off my collection of masks worn by Bionicles baddest baddie…or goodest goodie if you count the alternate universe version of him where he removed all the shadow from his body…
2003 set version.
2003 Takutanuva version
2004 Ultimate Dume version
2005 Golden ‘Visorak’ version
2015 Mask of Control


There’s actually a lot more variants of the 2003 one :stuck_out_tongue:

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Was it wrong for me to think that this was going to be a Five Faces of Darkness parody?

(Transformers joke)


Y’know…The Mask of Control does kinda look like the five faces…

Wasn’t there a black version of the 2003 mask with 4 holes like the gold one?

I’m pretty sure that there are more 2003 masks, but overall, nice collection!

We are on the same boat. :confused:

I wanted a Quintesson Makuta MOC.


There’s another Kraakhan, for those who were wondering, but it’s actually Icarax’s, so it technically wouldn’t go on this list, despite it being another version of the Kraakhan Makuta Teridax wore.


05 Mask is my favorite, but I’d pay at least 10 dollars for the 04 version

I like how the movie mask and the mask of control look so similar facially.


then again-

the gold kraakhan WAS from a visorak.


To me, the 2003 movie mask (despite only appearing in one set) is the best representation the Mask of Shadows.
The others…are just masks.

the Ultimate Dume version is my favorite.

There also exists a pearl gold Kraahkan.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but did Teridax wear the Golden version?

I don’t think he did.
I believe that came in a Visorak thingy.

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I thought so.
And I did some Googlin’.
This is kinda The 4 Masks of Makuta, and a Visorak’s Face


It really isn’t all that good, it only fits on heads in very specific circumsatances, has a weird shape and connection points, despite trying I have never even been able to use it.

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Way too many variants. I lost track a long time ago :stuck_out_tongue:

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Storyline wise, there is the Melding Universe version of Teridax that wore a golden Mask of Shadows, but he never appeared in set form, only MOC contest form.

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I did think I might be wrong.
I am far from a Lore Master…

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