I haven’t seen a topic specifically for this, and I don’t think that this topic:
really does the job well enough.
For thoughts and opinions, second season was my favorite, but my favorite episodes would have to be “The Disaster,” and “The Rerun”
I haven’t seen a topic specifically for this, and I don’t think that this topic:
really does the job well enough.
For thoughts and opinions, second season was my favorite, but my favorite episodes would have to be “The Disaster,” and “The Rerun”
I absolutely love this show. Even though I haven’t seen a lot of episodes, especially the later ones. But the comedy is always spot on and the characters are great.
The show’s pretty great. I love all the meta jokes and 4th wall breaks they have
The best episode was when Darwin goes all dictator on Elmore
It’s for your own good.
I prefer the earlier episodes, some of my favorites being “The Game”, “The Internet”, “The Procrastinators”, and “The Tape”. I feel the newer ones use some of the same kind of humor over and over.
This show is awesome.
Wait wait wait. Couldn’t you say it’s… Amazing?
Get it? The amazing world of Gumball? I’ll… I’ll see myself out…
You should
While I haven’t look at a TV for awhile; Gumball reception seems to keep itself high, unlike Adventure Time and Regular Show in the dark era, some episode did sneak some hidden messages that can be view upon. However it looks like the show is falling into South Park syndrome where some of it’s quality are based around nowadays media.
I must admit that I really like this show. But I also must admit that since season 3 (or something like this) the show started to get… Uncommonly weird.
I seriously love Gumball! It’s extremely well-animated and consistently well-written, and even the worst episodes are leagues more entertaining and meaningful than most other shows on television today.
Gumball’s writing has always been able to smartly and usually subtly inject very heartfelt messages, especially when it comes to such topics like love and friendship.
Not to mention it uses these messages for clever humor, often really meta, which I always love.
I need to go watch more Gumball. This has got me in the mood…
Dont watch it all to often. It is interesting though
Never seen it, not all that interesting either.
It’s zany but wholesome at times. I like it quite a bit. The mix of animation types compiled together must be a nightmare to manage.
I heard the show’s characters were actually a lot of characters to be used in CN commercials that never happened.
I like the show, but feel as though, like a lot of shows, the humor got worse in the later seasons.
What I’ve noticed too. Some of it, when taken out of context, could definitely fall under the label of discrimination or harassment of individuals. Not sure if that’s actually how it is in the show, but I’ve seen some videos where people manage to edit the show so that it appears to be very below-the-belt insults.
The show occasionally pokes fun at certain people and groups but I think it treads closer to the side of parody than discrimination or harassment
True. As I said, I only saw the edited videos, so I’m only going on obviously flawed data.