Warning: This post contains opinions that may disagree with yours. If you are easily offended by differing opinions, I would advise you do not read this post.
Back in March, the shock of Lego cancelling G2 finally wore off for me and I realized that Bionicle is over for good. I created my G2 sets topic because I felt I should contribute to the legacy of G2.( The best and the worst of G2 sets (personal opinions) - #20 by Toa_Vladin ) Well, Brickonicle has given me hope that Bionicle could come back a third time. so I am making this topic, which is going to be a lot more lengthy than the other one. Wait a sec, that’s kinda obvious. G1 ran longer than G2. Anyways, I digress. so, Without further ado, here is my favorite G1 sets.
G1 had a lot of clone sets, but I still have likes and dislikes among clone sets. Also, a lot of the time, the reason I dislike a set is very nitpicky, but I tried to list a reason for why I disliked a set. Also, my reason for disliking one set sometimes is why I like another.
Toa Mata:
-Best: Kopaka
-Worst: (sorry @Eljay) Lewa, I dont like the axe and again, sorry Eljay, but I don’t like the original Miru.
-Best: Matoro
-Worst: Jala, I don’t like the colour scheme
-Wost: Matau, I don’t like the mask
-Best:Powaki and Fikou (they are so gosh darn cute)
-Worst: Manas Crabs, they eat batteries.
Toa Nuva:
-Best: Since he uses Nuva armor, I have to say Takanuva
-Worst: Honestly, I really don’t like any of the Toa Nuva’s Masks, but I have to say I dislike Kopaka Nuva’s the most.
Bohrok Va:
Best: Kohrok Va
Worst: Gahlok Va, I don’t really have a reason, I just don’t really like this one.
Best: Pahrok
Worst: Kohrok, I don’t think saws were a good design choice for an ice shield.
-Best: Boxor
-Worst: Cahdok and Gahdok, the bottom teeth (onua claw) can be destroyed by using the action feature correctly. See the RolloutReviews video. ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMdEedfXWpw )
Bohrok Kal
-Best: Absolutely none of them, they are all really bad copies of the original Bohrok
-Worst: all of them, see above
-Best: Panrahk
-Worst: I honestly can’t pick one to like the least, I love the Rahkshi sets.
-Best: Matoro (notice a pattern?)
-Worst: Kopeke, I really don’t like the mask.
-Best: Takutanuva (United States version)
-Worst: Jaller and Gukko, Gukko doesn’t really remind me of a bird.
Toa Metru:
-Best: Onewa
-Worst: Vakama, I really don’t think a disk launcher compares to the other Toa tools
-Best: Nuhrii
-Worst: Ehrye, again, I hate that mask.
-Best: I realy don’t like any, they are spindly and, mouth launchers? Seriously?
-Worst: see above
-Best- Ultimate Dume (the one with the exclusive mask)
-Worst- Lhikan and Kikanalo, I really don’t think that Kikanalo should have been included.
-Best: IruinI
-Worst: Gaaki, I don’t like the blue used
-Best:None, there is really no wak I could like these.
-Worst: All, see above
-Best: Suukorak
-Worst: Boggarak, same reason as Gaaki
-Best: yeah, yeah, they aren’t titans but the special edition Toa Haga
-Worst: Keetongu, introduced my least favorite bionicle colour, Keet-orange
Playsets: I have no idea, I was never interested in them.
Voya Nui Resistance Team:
-Best: Velika and Piruk
-Worst: Dalu and Garan, I really don’t like those masks.
-Best: Thok
-Worst: Avak, I really don’t like that Piraka tool
-Best: Jaller
-Worst: Hewkii, that gray, too much gray.
-Best: Vezon and Kardas
-Worst: Axonn, I don’t like the mask, and Axonn has to much of a gorilla vibe in my opinion.
Playsets: see 2005 playsets.
-Best: Defilak
-Worst: Tholox, I really dislike the color scheme
-Best: Mantax
-Worst: Pridak, the Barraki jaws really don’t go with the mask,
-Best: Hahli
-Worst: Hewkii, by far, a terrible color scheme.
-Best: Hydraxon
-Worst: Gadunka, this set is really odd, like two feet and a head.
Playsets: See 2005 playsets.
-Best: this is not a joke Solek
-Worst: Photok, I don’t like orange sets.
Toa Phantoka:
-Best: Kopaka
-Worst: Pohatu, I dislike the proportions, this Pohatu is to proportionate compared to the Mata and Nuva.
Makuta Phantoka:
-Best: Chirox
-Worst: Vamprah, I don’t like the colour scheme.
Toa Mistika:
-Best: Tahu
-Worst: Gali, the waffle eye, enough said…
Makuta Mistika:
-Best: Krika
-Worst Gorast, Av-Toran limbs.
-Best: Ignika
-Worst: Takanuva, I really don’t like the new design for Takanuva (yes I know about the shadow leech thing)
-Best: Atakus and Tarduk
-Worst: Berix, I don’t feel Tahu’s fire sword looks like water, and that is what the design should be.
-Best: Skrall and Vorox
-Worst: Strakk and Malum, I really dislike their proportions.
Glatorian Legends
-Best: Mata Nui and Vastus
-Worst: Ackar, the most generic Inika build since the Inika
-Best: Ferro and Skirmix
-Worst: Cendox V1, I really don’t like the design for this set, in pretty much every aspect of the design.
2010 aka The Stars
-Best: Tahu (with the Golden armor on)
-Worst: Skrall, open ball joints and sockets, and it uses Av-Toran parts.
Promotional Sets
I know that promo sets is going to stir up some controversy, so I will explain every pick.
-Best: I really like the orange Fikou (again, Fikou is so cute) and Good Guy & Good Guy 2008 (purely because of Reviving Bionicle)
-Worst: Bad Guy, in my opinion, one of the ugliest sets.
So, this leaves me with one final challenge: picking my favorite Bionicle set. I have to say that it is impossible for me, so I am going to say that the mocs that people make are my favorite parts of Bionicle. Feel free to post your own lists below.